Friday, October 30, 2009
Sexy Tattoos - Simple Ideas You Need to Know That Will Make Your Next Tattoo Very Sexy
0 comments Posted by nona malla at 7:14 PMSexy tattoos are the rage these days. Everyone seems to want one but there is no real agreement on exactly what makes a sexy tattoo. Here are some great, simple ideas that will help make your next tattoo very sexy.
First off, a sexy tattoo, no matter where it is placed or what the design, will only be as sexy as the person wearing it. The attitude of the person wearing the sexy tattoo is very important. How does that person carry themselves? If they project a sexy air about them that definitely helps make the tattoo sexy. So remember, half the battle is with you. If you want that tat to be sexy you have to be sexy too.
Something else you may not be aware of is that may tattoo artists will refuse to place the name of the person you are in a relationship with in a private place of your body. Tattoo artists know something you do not-the relationship that is working so well right now may not last forever. When the relationship ends you will have tattoo regret and come back and want that tattoo in the private place removed. Also, there is a karma thing in the tattoo world that says if you do have a partners name tattooed on you it tempts fate and is likely to bring about an untimely ruin of the relationship. Bad karma-not a good thing.
Be sure to think forward with that sexy tattoo in terms of where you will have it placed on your body. Think about how that area of your body might change over the years. If it is placed in a area that might grow from pregnancy, or sag with old age-it won't be sexy when that happens. Remember tattoos are forever, the shape of your body is not.
Some great areas for a sexy tattoo include: lower waist area just above the pelvic region in the front, and the small of the lower back. These areas are very suggestive and are not likely to change in shape as you age.
If you choose to have a tattoo placed in the lower back region-go for something small. A small design will be considered sexier that a big design that spreads over your whole waist line-that could be considered a tramp stamp.
Any place that is considered a private part of your body is generally a good place for a sexy tattoo. The fact that it is private and only for certain people to see, makes it sexy.
Other areas that are more visible that can make for a sexy tattoo are just above the bikini line. Especially a well designed tattoo that points from above the bikini line toward the pelvic region can be very sexy. A shooting star tattoo design that trails down can very sexy.
Sexy Tattoo Designs For Women - It's All About Locations of Tattoos
0 comments Posted by nona malla at 7:08 PMWomen generally go for sexy tattoo designs to add appeal and interest to their personality. Tattoos for women are expression of themselves and how they want to be perceived by those around them. It represents their femininity and at the same time, it represents the strong and resilient side of her.
When it comes to sexy tattoos, it all boils down to one thing - locations, locations. Of course the design matters a lot, but choosing the right body part to place that tat design can add a lot of sexy points to a woman's tattoos. Here are some of the top sexy body placement for women:
Foot tattoos continue to rise in popularity among women as its presently one of the most sought after tat theme nowadays. Small and cute designs like stars, butterfly, zodiac sign and flowers like cherry blossom are some of the favorites in this location.
Shoulder blade is another body part that is a sexy location for tattoos. Its because this type of tat theme can be best flaunted with flirtatious tops like one shoulder blouse and tank tops.
The rib or rib cage is another area of the body that's catching the attention of female enthusiast as a sexy place to get inked at. Designs tattooed in this area can be form fitting and flattering to the shapely curves of a woman's body.
The lower stomach is perfect for women with nice flat abs. With this location very close to the private part of her body, it creates a sensual and interesting appeal to the eyes of those viewing it.
Lower back is still very much in the tattoo scene. Its still one of the most searched type of tattoos online so its obvious that it still has not lost its popularity despite it being called as trashy or labeled with negative connotations such as tramp stamp or bullseye tattoos. The thing it, its all about the proper attitude and style of the person sporting this type of ink.
Source : http://ezinearticles.com/?Sexy-Tattoo-Designs-For-Women---Its-All-About-Locations-of-Tattoos&id=2511735

Harvey's Records - # HR 15
Harris enterprise A.F.M.
34461 -Sometime Home Coming
featuring Art StClair
34462 - Irresistible You
(Lloyd & Logan)
Labels: 34461, Harvey's label, Roanoke (VA), Virginia
S Whit Denson / Denson Quartet
Denson Ep 555
9101 – I Won't Turn Back / New Morning Sun
9102 - The Better Land / Wonderous Love
Sacred Hillbilly Music Birmingham, Alabama.
About Sacred Harp Singing
Sacred Harp singing -- a form of Southern gospel music that's rather obscure to much of the general population -- "is characterized by mass participation, full-voiced singing, lack of instrumental accompaniment, and rotation of song leaders."
What is Sacred Harp Singing?
* Sacred Harp singing is an American folk tradition of singing hymns and gospel songs from The Sacred Harp, a 150 year old songbook that uses shaped note heads to indicate position in the scale.
* This is the type of singing that took place in the church scene in Cold Mountain.
* Sacred Harp singing is a participatory event, not a performance, although visitors are welcome to come and listen.
* The singers sit in a hollow square facing each other and take turns leading songs, which are sung in several parts without instrumental accompaniment.
* The music has a distinctive open and modal sound, and the singing is usually exuberant, rhythmic and full of feeling.
Minnesota State Sacred Harp Singing Convention Midwinter Singing Sunday Brunch, St Paul, MN, 2/10/08. The first two verses of "I Won't Turn Back" by Whit Denson (abridged due to camera limitations).
[Source : YouTube]
Labels: 09101, Alabama, Birmingham (Alabama), Denson label
Labels: Arm Tattoo Design Gallery
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Tree tattoo pictures are not very common. Are they? Not many people will be having tree tattoos. Have you wondered why it is so? That is because trees have a great significance in many Asian and African cultures. It also has links with Celtic history. The meaning of tree tattoo pictures is linked with all these cultures and the impact and significance is so strong that many people prefer not to get it.
Now if you are thinking that you see so many girls with different flower tattoos like roses, daisy, lily, sunflower and leaves like shamrock and others. Are they not tree tattoo pictures? NO! They are not. They are flower tattoos. I am talking about a tree as in whole.
So here are some popular tree tattoo pictures for you!
The most popular one is the cherry tree tattoo pictures. This female-only tattoo is a symbol of sexuality and beauty but not in literal terms. This tattoo gets its meaning from the Japanese cherry blossom which is a symbol of life which is short and beautiful and Chinese cherry blossom which means power. Both these are close to beauty of a woman which is her power and is also short lived. However there is this not so popular tattoo of cherry tree with falling cherry. It means that a girl has lost her innocence and Beauty just as a cherry fallen from a tree loses its beauty and juice. So many girls avoid it fearing it might convey wrong message.
Then there is the Bodhi tree; A tree under which Buddha sat for years and meditated. He finally got his enlightenment under this tree. People who firmly believe in the teachings of Buddha have Bodhi tree tattoo pictures. Very few in today's world who firmly believes and follows his teachings may get one!!
Then there is the acorn which grows to mighty oak tree. Acorn has so many different meanings in different cultures. It varies from strength to fertility. Even in tattoo pictures it differs in the way it's drawn. Then there are other trees as well.
So you think you will get a tree tattoo!
Click any of the links below to see what you have been missing but HURRY, there is a limited time savings on lifetime memberships so act now!
Labels: Tree Tattoo Pictures
Everywhere you will read about girl tattoo pictures. Tattoos with female attributes, represents female beauty and their character. Girl tattoo lists are available in abundance. But what about males? Are there some tattoos especially for us...tattoos that will symbolize the character and quality of men? Their masculinity! Yes there are plenty of them.
There are not many exclusive tattoo pictures for men like flowers and fairies like for females, but there are few which can be ideal for you guys so you can show your man power and strength.
The most popular is a fire dragon. Girls rarely sport fire dragon pictures. They are mostly preferred by men. They stand for heroism. It is said that only the strongest can capture the fire dragon. So to show that power and strength men have fire dragon tattoos. Also in Chinese culture it was believed that that fire dragon served the king and protected him so it also shows you as the great king.
Then there is tiger tattoo pictures. It is the symbol of power which can capture and defeat anyone else. It is also ferocious and fast. IT is also sometimes considered as cruel on its prey. Now wouldn't a man like to be so powerful to defeat anyone else?
Then there are Celtic tattoos. It is believed that the Celt warriors had tattoos of different designs of knots. All of them had significance of its own. Even the nobles and knights including famous king Arthur are Celts. So many of the Celtic tattoo pictures are from the manuscripts which has its link to warriors. They stand for noble, strong and powerful men who were highly respected in their times.
Then there are not so popular demon tattoo pictures. Girls don't like to be demons as they love fairies, tiny cute little fairies....not huge evil demons.
You can even look at your favorite male celebrity for some other great ideas for male tattoo pictures!
Content removed according to the wish (injunction?) of the artist received through his Business Manager (?).
All this material is copyrighted by the author. Mr. X... does not wish to have his cover art nor his album listed on your blog. Please remove at once.
Be happy, Mary. it's done. Your wish come true.
Labels: 28631, Boston (MA), Massachusetts

Karmony Ltd.
30351 - Lady Lady
(wr. Gene Toennisson)
30352 - She Tells Her Lies
Arranged by David Sams & Bill Turner
Rite account # 5561
It was recorded at a four track studio in Fairfield, Ohio that was owned by Frank Ruhl. He owned a business selling British sports cars, Karmony Ltd. For him this was strictly a hobby project. There was never any distribution, no airplay, as far as I know none were ever sold. My cousin Gene Toennisson wrote the songs. He had just been drafted and was away. Bill Turner sang, the drummer, I can't remember - he was a session player. I played bass and guitar and did harmony vocals, Frank Ruhl was the engineer and he did the session for free. The Band played only a few gigs and not long after the recording I too was drafted. Years have passed, I have some of Gene's songs on my web site
Labels: 30351, Fairfield (OH), Karmony Ltd label, Ohio
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
It's hard for a lower back tattoo not to be sexy on a girl. Their placement makes it the perfect sexy tattoo, but there are some sexy tattoo designs that really get the juices flowing for the opposite sex.
If you're considering a back tattoo and don't want them to be too cutesy, there are designs out there for you that will really stand out when you want them to. Just be aware that these tattoos are visible whenever you bend over in most casual outfits so dress appropriately when you don't want to be the center of attention.
Symmetrical tattoo designs that branch from the spine out look really good on the back. If you're looking for some sexy symmetrical or spreading middle designs, these are some ideas for you:
• Vines spreading out with roses blooming from them look very sexy. Every rose has its thorn, right? A tattoo design like this is really enticing.
• Any sort of symmetrical henna design starting at the lower spine and swirling out looks great. These are always sure to grab attention.
• A fairy or butterfly wing design coming from the middle are really playful and sexy at the same time. What's better to feel like a goddess than to have wings that you can show off?
A string of stars or hearts, or even a bar code make for some more sexy lower back tattoos for girls. It's really hard to go wrong with a symmetrical tattoo design on your lower back.
If maybe symmetry isn't your thing and you want to branch out from that other girls get, then a standalone design can also look fantastic on your lower back. If you're not going for symmetry you can also get a lower back tattoo closer to one of your hips. You are not tethered to getting a tattoo in the middle of your lower back! Here are some sexy tattoo ideas for your lower back:
• A flower is always sexy, no matter where it is. A flower right in the middle might put some off, but if you're more bold, this is definitely the way to go! A beautiful rose or orchid tattoo design really says something about how bold you are.
• Chinese calligraphy makes for a great tattoo. Some may say it's an overdone, but having your name or a description of yourself tattooed on your lower back looks very sexy. Just be sure to make sure that what you think is getting tattooed onto your body is really what the tattooist says it is!
• An intricate sun or moon design tattooed on your lower back is a little classy and it looks good. There are thousands of detailed solar tattoos out there and they look fabulous. Want to be the rising sun or moonlight in your special someone's life? These sexy designs can help it happen.
These are just a few ideas, there are millions of sexy lower back tattoo designs for girls out there, symmetrical, in the center, off to the right, or off to the left. There is a specific one out there for you.
In your search for lower back tattoo designs, finding the one that suites you can be tough. Recent statistics show that 1 in 5 women who have a tattoo have it on their lower back which supports a rise in ink in this location. With a few places on a woman's body being considered sensual, it's not hard to see why their becoming more popular.
Of the two most attractive locations on a female's body to get a tat, the lower back and neck would be the top two. The main reason for this is the ease in which they can be hidden. When you're at work in the office they can be easily covered by a shirt. And on Friday night after work they can be put on full display with some low cut jeans and a tight fitting high riding shirt.
Listed below are some of the more popular lower back tattoo designs:
1) Dolphin Tattoos - Due to the cute nature of these designs, they are a favorite among women.
2) Flower Designs - These are a popular choice for women especially on the lower back.
3) Tribal Designs - These are the most common. There are a wide variety of Tribal designs ranging from Celtic to Sun.
4) Dragon Designs - You'll find these on more risque and adventurous women.
Deciding on a tattoo can be pretty tough. There is no shortage of designs out there so it's a good idea evaluate a few and don't rush into any decisions. It's easy to second guess yourself. For this reason it's a good idea to take a few days to make sure you make the right decision. You don't want to rush into something and then later regret it. The decision to remove an unwanted tattoo later in life can be painful and expensive.
Be sure to dress appropriately when heading out to get your tattoo. This would entail loose fitting clothing that will enable the tattoo artist to work easily. Upon getting your tattoo, there are a few things you should consider. During the healing process, be sure to wear clothes that are not tight fitting. Scarring can occur if clothing is too tight and rubs on the tattooed area over a period of time.
Soul. Little-Phelps Productions. Norfolk, Virginia. [Short] sample.
Born in 1922, Major Williams was later involved in the recordings of Lil Major Williams (aka Major Williams, Jr. born 1953, believed to be his son) - he co-wrote the songs - and was member of the Soul Crusaders :
- Palladium P-651 Lil Major Williams : "Girl (You're So Sweet, You're So Fine) / Girl Don't Leave Me "
- Williams III : Lil Major Williams - "Girl (You're So Sweet, You're So Fine) / Girl Don't Leave Me "
- Dialee (Leon Michison production) The Soul Crusaders- "Big Nickle / Soul Cruise" (vocal by Major Williams), 1969
A Phelps production :
Norman, Willie and Earl Phelps grew up in the town of South Norfolk (now part of the City of Chesapeake) in the 1910s. The talented brothers were a natural combo, with bass singer Norman playing bass and guitar; baritone Willie on guitar, drums and washboard; and Earl, the youngest, singing sweet tenor and playing fiddle and mandolin.
The brothers made the rounds of local clubs and radio shows, where their beautiful harmony and playful style gained them a loyal following. In 1936 they tested their wings on the national circuit, traveling to New York City and then to Hollywood, where they appeared in 17 films released between 1937 and 1941 – including Painted Desert and Rawhide.
The Phelps returned to South Norfolk in 1940, where they continued to write music, record and perform. Norman and Willie served their country in the US Army and US Navy, respectively, during World War II, while Earl was excused for medical reasons and kept the band going at home. After the war, the three bought the old Norfolk County Club, renaming it Fernwood Farms. The club boasted the largest dance floor on the East Coast, with plenty of room for fans to swing out. The brothers frequently opened for out-of-town acts at the Norfolk Arena and hosted the performers at Fernwood Farms after the show.
The Phelps turned a portion of the club into a recording studio where they recorded not only their own group but other local groups as well. When Patsy Cline performed at Fernwood in the 1950s, she recorded several songs in the studio.
Labels: 15061, Bull label, Norfolk (Virginia), Virginia
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Sexy Butterfly Star Tattoos for Women
Pierre Brat
Women get tattoos to express themselves, to convey a message or to emphasize their femininity by choosing a section of tattoo design. The top 3 fat that women are in flower, butterfly star tattoos because it is the image that they can easily relate to women and life in general.The flowers are always associated with love, beauty, passion and many other things. With eternal grace and extraordinary beauty, they are always a favorite subject of art both in painting, decorating and literature. They are admired not only for their physical qualities but also because the symbolic meaning attached to them. Therefore it is not surprising that they have taken the fancy of fans tat flower tattoos become one of the most popular designers Top.
Butterfly Star Tattoos how common they are still tops when it comes to design choices tat. These creatures are naturally beautiful and she has always wanted tattooed on their bodies because they are undeniably great artistic appeal. Besides that, it happens very well suited for with butterfly what a woman is a victim as a change, transformation and rebirth.Butterfly Star tattoos can live a dream or goal in life or suggestive of hopes and desires. They can also mean the desire of women to shine and Astar. Shooting star tattoo on the other hand, can also symbolize a brief moment in the lives of women or May, they also represent important people in their lives. Star looked amazing when the ink on the body and with the flexibility and versatility, they remain as one of the top choices for a section of tattoo design.
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Flickr : butterfly star tattoos, butterfly tattoo, star tattoos
Lower Back Tattoos Are Popular, But You Can Make Your Own Style
0 comments Posted by nona malla at 5:54 PMLower back tattoos are by far the most popular type of tattoo for girls and women. 20% of women do tattoos on their lower backs, and that percentage is only rising! A lower tattoo on the back is a bold and sexy way to project the image about yourself that you want to.
Most of these tattoos are located in the middle of the lower back, but there are also some out there that are located more to the right or the left of the spine. Having it off center tones down the signal that most people get, but it is still nowhere near as popular as the more bold spine-placed tattoo.
Getting a symmetrical pattern design is both popular and attractive. There are several types of patterns to get tattooed to the lower back, and most of them are symmetrical. Flower, tribal, or Celtic symmetrical designs and patterns that spread out from the dead middle are especially popular. A perfect vine of flowers flowing and blooming out from your back can be very sexy.
There are two downsides to the popularity this location: The reputation and the popularity itself.
Since lower back tattoos are so popular it's difficult to really brand yourself as original or unique if you have one. One fifth of women have a lower back tattoo, and that is no amount to scoff at. If you're striving for being unique with your new tattoo, one of these is not for you. Consider a tattoo on your shoulder or on your hand.
Like anything that's popular, there's a certain kind of stigma that follows the tattoo residing on your lower back. Because of where it is, it has been nicknamed "the tramp stamp". The name and what it implies is self-explanatory. When a girl bends over, the tattoo is usually visible unless her shirt is long enough to reach long past the lower back.
When considering getting one keep in mind its popularity and what comes with that popularity.
If the this seems like it's for you, despite what more negative people might think, then you're joining in a trend that is sure not to die out anytime soon. They are on a roll and it doesn't look like there is going to be any stopping it. If you're worried about what people might say or don't want to conform to a normal tattoo, try an off-center design as your own variation. Lower back tattoos may be extremely popular, but there is no reason for you to avoid throwing your own style into the trend.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Tattoo Sleeves - Slip on Body Art - Great For Tattoo Ideas
0 comments Posted by nona malla at 4:13 PMTattoo Sleeves are similar to a stocking that slips over your arms or legs to give you a realistic, skin tight looking tattoo. They have been used in movies and on stage to give the actors a more realistic tattoo look.
Most people buy them for the shock value, and to trick their friends and family in to thinking that they have a real tattoo. Some people buy them for fancy dress parties, Halloween, theme parties or to get an idea of what tattoo design they would like to get done permanently.
The best thing about tattoo sleeves, is the fact that they are indeed temporary. With temporary tattoos, you don't have to worry about infections or unsanitary equipment, as there is no piercing of the skin involved. Slip on Tattoo Sleeves are safe, and remove easily by slipping off and on your arms, just like a stocking. This is very cost friendly, as permanent tattoos require surgery to remove.
If you have been thinking about getting a permanent tattoo, you should first give a slip on tattoo sleeve a try. Tattoos that are temporary provide an excellent way to test out designs, and see if a tattoo is right for you. If you don't like it, all you have to do is pull it off. Then, you can purchase another one and see if you like it better.
If you decide to get a permanent tattoo instead, you are pretty much stuck with it. To get rid of a permanent tattoo, you'll need to have it surgically removed, which can cost you thousands of dollars. You'll also face the risk of infection, along with a permanent scar. Permanent tattoos are great - providing you are happy with the tattoo.
Slip on tattoo sleeves are easier to apply than permanent tattoos and they pose no risk to your skin or your health. Those that are afraid of needles tend to like them as well, as they give you the chance to have a tattoo without going under the needle. Before you rush out and get a tattoo, you should instead give a slip on tattoo sleeve a try. They won't cost you a lot of money - yet they will give you the chance to see how you look with a tattoo - and decide if a permanent tattoo is really something you want.
You can find Tattoo Sleeves on the internet for less then $10.00. - tattoo-sleeves.com and eBay have heaps of tattoo sleeve designs for sale.