lady gaga horns face. ladyCan someone help me find the wallpaper behind the window that is open?!?!?!
It is appreciated!
Picture credit to Most Addictive Game from the mac app store
Its hardwood lights
YOu can find many different versions. One is here
Apr 4, 05:08 PM
So because you don't like Financial Times it's okay for everyone that they are holding out iPad subscriptions. This is exactly what's wrong with you Apple fanboys.
You should be penalizing Apple for allowing this to happen. but instead you jump for joy.
...clearly you dont value your privacy as much as i do. *i* want to own my customer data. *i* want to decide who gets to use it.. i do *not* want a newspaper to own and sell my data to others.
thus, im pleased w/ iOS policies, at the expense of devious marketeers.
Leather lady: Lady Gaga wasiMJustAGuy
Apr 7, 06:52 AM
I have the following rules, but I want to add an "is music" rule... when I do this, my entire library comes up... and putting it as a sub rule on either or both categories doesn't help. Since the rule at the top is "ANY" putting in it's on category rule won't help either because it shows the entire library. If I match "ALL" of the rules, then it will show only songs that are by XX and also have XX in the title.
My goal is to have anything with XX whether they are in the "(feat. XX)" part of the song title, or whether they are the artist of the song, and I don't want anything but music included.
Help? Thanks, Dale.
have Lady+gaga+horns+fakeHere is the winning entry :)
Lady Gaga,Hahaha Yea... Meant CDMA! Nevertheless... New iPhone in Feb as well as the white one later this month! Definately no iPhone 5 coming this year!
...or at least not until the fall, perhaps in time for holiday purchases (late October maybe?)
Feb 15, 04:01 AM
http://img163.imagevenue.com/loc457/th_53032_Screenshot2011_02_15at1.50.26AM_122_457lo.jpg (http://img163.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=53032_Screenshot2011_02_15at1.50.26AM_122_457lo.jpg)
Red for Valentine's Day
can you please give me the link to your original wallpaper :D? thank you :)
Behind the mask: Lady Gagainnominato5090
Feb 4, 04:15 PM
http://cl.ly/3535283d1M2D1N1Y2c3v/content/ (http://cl.ly/1J3A153B260s1L0e3L21)
Singer Lady Gaga, sporting aIs iCloud really $4.5 million better than MobileMe?
For a company that profited several billion? Yeah, probably. :)
Singer Lady Gaga, sporting ahttp://www.leafcapital.co.za/images/stories/Images/095149-federighi_lion.jpg
I couldn't resist...
LADY GAGA HORNS IN HER FACEI stopped reading right there b/c I don't believe that.
Not sure why you don't believe him.
I know many people who've never had a dropped call on Verizon. It's not unusual, especially if you're in one of their longtime areas which are covered like a blanket.
Singer Lady Gaga, sporting aedesignuk
Aug 13, 06:03 PM
I like it, it'd drive me nuts after a while, but I do like it...
Lady Gaga Explains The HornsWould your choice of route mitigate the crime? No.
Would it be relevant in any way? No.
Sorry, i'm not getting your point.
Feb 26, 11:58 AM
Does Artboard compare to Illustrator? What is your opinion?
Artistic: Lady Gaga discussesChe Castro
Apr 28, 08:53 PM
You guys understand my question ?
guess what Lady Gaga wasHow about fixing the bug where listening to home sharing from your iDevice doesn't update play counts in iTunes like its suppose to. Not sure if it's a iOS bug or a iTunes bug but it doesn't work on either Windows or OS X.
I assume you have this box checked:
telephone – now Lady GagaThat's very interesting. Is the pattern symbolic (apart from the Apple logo)? :)
Nah, just a random pattern I put together (apart from the Apple logo). ;)
Gaga had done away with hergmanist1000
Mar 25, 11:11 AM
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)
Maps needs the ability to turn off toll roads and highways. Would have been helpful on this vacation.
Lady Gaga by Terry Richardson
Lady Gaga or StephanieOvernight my sirius app stops working once the screen fades out or I hit the button on the bottom or top of the ipad.
any ideas?
Just checked my app and it seems to be working fine. I'd close out the app and try again. Or, hard reset and try. Good luck! I LOVE my Sirius!
weren't there other rumors regarding an "os x lite" edition earlier in the year?
I think the consensus is that Apple abandoned the idea of building a phone completely from the ground up, which was their original idea. The question is *what* exactly they abandoned. At some level it makes sense for them to use Symbian or some other existing OS in order to get the benefit of 3rd party app availability.
Then again, that rather un-Apple like, since I would think Apple would want to have total control over the interface. Maybe Apple *will* come up with a real-time "OS X Lite" operating system, and the 3rd party apps will have to be Java apps, basically. If Apple makes sure that Java performs well on the iPhone then that would be their best strategy...
i've got to agree with others and say unless you were desperate it would be silly at this point to want a CDMA iP4.
With the next revision so close, the benefit of waiting could be immense and I be a lot of other people see that too.
May 5, 10:42 AM
That doesn't make it right. Retribution, revenge, anger, fear etc are not good emotions. Try to overcome these basic desires.
I overheard someone on the bus say something like this-
"So Bin Laden committed an awful crime, no denying that. But in response the US imprisoned people without trial for years in Gitmo, tortured some of them for information, then shot Bin Laden when he was unarmed. They both seem pretty bad to me."
I can see where this view comes from. Many times I've heard Americans complain that Europeans "look down their noses at them" and "maybe they would understand when planes fly into some of their buildings". However, when the US response to a disaster is detention and torture what do you expect? The US has lost the moral high ground, and these human rights violations only serve to encourage more people to fight against the US.
It times of difficulty many governments bend the rules, and it is how the courts and the public respond that matters. In the UK we detained some people, but they started a court case and won. We had a report of MI6 feeding questions to Moroccan security forces to get them to get information out of someone. However, MI6 was tripping over itself to say they don't condone torture and the courts constantly ruled more information on the subject should be released.
Detention without trial and torture are the methods used by dictatorships and authoritarian regimes, and the world will always look down on the US government so long as they are used.
Guess the world will just have to look down on us then. The US actually has a pair of balls, and we do what we need to do, unlike Europe who's militaries are a joke. Shooting bin laden while he was unarmed?? Seriously?? Who gives a crap? That's like being against shooting hitler while he was unarmed. Of course your solution would be to put him in jail for the rest of his life, but that doesn't fly here. Again, we are not europe and never will be, thankfully. You guys could look your noses down at us, but don't forget who's going to be there protecting your asses when you get into a war with an arab country (and that is possible, remember they don't like you either, and you're an easier target than us). I'm sorry, but their needs to be at least one nation that does what we do, and i'm glad we do it.
Still too squeamish to call it torture? The fundamental difference between terrorist organizations and authoritarian regimes on the one hand, and the civilized world on the other, is the latter's unwillingness to have recourse to violence. Policies of torture are unbecoming of a nation of people who purport to uphold the US constitution, regardless of the extreme methods adopted by our enemies. Once we sink to their level, we lose all our moral superiority and become victims of our own hate and fear as much as victims of the machinations of our opponents.
Nope, not too squeamish just going by the thread title. It's torture, there you happy? Again, we are not europe. So europe doesn't torture and where has that gotten them? They still get attacked by terrorists, even sweden, go figure. Moral superiority or not, safety of our nation and other western nations is more important. If torture is needed to get that information and save thousands of lives, then we should do it. Someone has to do the dirty work, and it's always us. But that's ok, that's how it's always been and it's why we're such a proud nation.
Apr 7, 12:49 PM
Some of the customer reviews on the iTunes download page for this app are saying that it's native resolution is for iPhone, not the iPad. If true, #soLame
works full screen on mine and looks good.
The irony of a forum with a very large gay and bisexual membership to ask for blood donations is beyond ridiculous.
Think this through, MacRumors, think this through.
why mr has large gay/bi members?