About Black on Blue wallpapergot a big one going now.
oh ok good. now we can see how it does!
Black on Blue BackgroundI really can't see Apple removing the usage for 'pro' users. They're just making it more welcoming for the millions who are now in the Apple ecosystem through iOS devices.
My understanding is that unlike Windows, Apple offers one (or two if server edition) version of the OS, be the most experienced pro or the new comer you use the same system.
I would expect Apple to make the Mac OS to be far more like iOS in that you do what you see, so the new comer isn't faced with libraries etc; however, somewhere in the system there will be options to view and access the deeper lying elements of the OS that the average user won't need to ever see.
deep on lack backgroundRodimus Prime
Mar 4, 11:26 AM
Lee, my wife is a teacher. I'm quite aware of how much they make. For the record, they aren't required to have masters degrees (where do you get this stuff?). Most importantly, without thuggish unions, good teachers like my wife would make far more money than they do today, while the bad ones would make less or be fired. Good riddance. Our students deserve better. If you can't hack it, get another job.
Yeah....I know enough about the inner workings of how teachers are paid and how all that works to call BS on what you saying. Give you an idea of how I know fair amount of inner workers is my brother is becoming a teacher and he is the 6th or 7th generation teacher so teaching runs in the family.
Chances are with out the union you wife would be MAKING LESS not more. Most teachers are good. You have a very small handful that are bad but they are the ones that make the news because yes it is hard to get them out but at the same time those rules got put in place because the administration would really abuse their power.
The bad teachers you hear about but the large number of good ones never are talked about.
Pay for teachers is pretty much crap and they are not paid enough for what they have to put up with or the hours they have to put in. This goes double for any teachers in Math or Science were their pay is well below what they would in industry.
Master degree part what Lee made the mistake on involves a requirement to teach any class that can go on to a 4 year university and that is for accreditation n reasons.
If you need Black And BlueHastings101
May 3, 11:34 PM
With regards to this particular ad, should we presume from your comment that you are not an engineer, a doctor, a business person, a teacher, a student, a parent or a child? All these folks love their iPads.
I guess people without children that do not fall under any of those careers can't like iPads :(
lack and lue backgroundWhen one considers Dell's quality of their computers, why are they still #1?
Free desktop wallpaper, luedethmaShine
Apr 16, 09:32 AM
No, when Apple revealed the iPhone most people were thinking something along the line of "Apple seriously need to reconsider leaving out 3G and the ability to install software if they want to make it in the smart phone business", a phone that doesn't let you install new software is by definiton not a smart phone. The iPhone 3G was the real deal, ofcourse the first gen was successful, simply because it was Apple, but the 3G was when it turned into a good product and soared in popularity.
And iPhone is far from the first icon based phone and I personally believe the Sony Ericsson P800 and P900 was a big inspiration for iPhone.
Where can I find the definition of a smart phone?
lack and lue backgroundMr. Retrofire
Apr 11, 06:24 AM
-Lion has Arabic support. They're targeting the Middle East.
Even Mac OS 8.1 had arabic support. That was 1998.
abstract lue background .jpgYou can't get email or surf the web while talking on a Verizon 3G phone. You can on AT&T and T-Mobile.
AT&T should show an empty map for where you can have both on Verizon.
Light lue background withTravisGood
Jan 5, 04:53 PM
It's hard to believe that you guys are making this effort to not "spoil".
Your sensitivity to readers who want an embargo on updates till they can view the QT stream first is unprecedented. I can hardly believe you're doing it! The niche purist audience you attract can't help but appreciate it.
Me? I'll be logged on to your live site for up-to-the-minute news!
Keep up the good work. Travis
Select lack (#000000) for thejonharris200
Jan 5, 04:16 PM
thanks arn, very thoughtful!
[...bookmarks macrumorslive.com (http://www.macrumorslive.com) and sets that as his homepage instead...]
151 Black and lueYou clearly don't know much about the medical world. Here's one link just to get things going:
Oh, and here's the story about a hospital that just ordered 1800 iPads...
The first link seems to be saying 4% of doctors read their email on an ipad. Do you think that really matches up with what the advertisement says, is that ground breaking?
Black and lue wallpaper 3dBilly Boo Bob
Jan 7, 08:45 PM
No (and it's not an AVI, it's a H.264 encoded MOV). You're going to have to wait for someone to capture the stream and post it somewhere as a downloadable file.
That's where I wish they would change (or rather add to) that... Put up both a stream and a downloadable movie. Sorta like the movie trailers... 'cept longer.
That's the type of thing that a BitTorrent type of technology would help out with big time. So they only have to upload the full movie a few hundred times instead of several thousand. Let the others do the rest of the uploading.
lack and lue backgroundEvangelion
Nov 17, 11:22 AM
AMD doesn't have a competitive notebook CPU and can't deliver in the scale Apple needs.
yes they could. We are not talking about zillion CPU's here. AMD could satisfy Apple's demands just fine.
leaving lack background blueWho likes looking at ads?
I practically have an equivalent of AdBlock on all browsers that I use regularly...
in Black and BlueSorry, but Apple released Aperture BEFORE Adobe did the same with its app...so it's easier to have a clone of Apple's app, not the opposite...:rolleyes:
Right, a product in development since 2002 (http://photoshopnews.com/2006/01/09/the-shadowlandlightroom-development-story/) was a copy of a product released in 2005 :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Wallpaper Black BlueWhat makes them worthless?
Anyway, you live by the Apple you die by the Apple. Your choice to make your choices theirs.
They're worthless because the user's likelihood of clicking on each iAd is not related to the user's interest in the product. They'll probably just click on all of them, just to see what they look like.
That's a really bad platform for advertisers, where they're basically paying per click to exhibit to a very cynical audience (eg rival advertisers, agencies etc).
lack and lue backgroundSo..What great App you all feel is going to be excluded by this change? I did not see anything from last years winners that could not be in the app store if the developer wanted.
If you have a great app, you may not need the App Store to help market it. So why give Steve 30% when you don't need to.
Blue-BlackBackground.jpgMaybe some computers come with Office as a promotional deal, and if they do, that's up to the OEM, not Microsoft. Nonetheless, I've not seen any PC come with more than a 30 day trial of Office.
See my edit above. With 2010 Office Starter 2010 is an option for the OEM. It replaces Works and the Word viewer and gives a better upgrade path to "real" Office.
Office Starter 2010 is not a trial–it has a perpetual license that does not expire. Office Starter 2010 is an advertising-supported base productivity suite that is available only on new PCs. It must be preloaded on new PCs at the point of manufacture. Office Starter 2010 is not available for existing PCs at any time after manufacture; for example, Office Starter 2010 cannot be installed on new PCs being sold by resellers, even brand-new PCs. It will not be sold through distribution or available to end users as a standalone product.
on lack background.kevinliu4
Oct 11, 05:25 AM
initially i was skeptical of the design as i was wondering how anyone is supposed to hold this thing (while watching video) without blocking the screen. then i realised when i use the ipod to watch video, it's usually resting on a table (at work) or in my palm (on the train). i don't actually watch video while i'm walking down the street for example.
however, i think with a virtual touch screen click wheel, the screen of the ipod is gonna be a mess in no time...fingerprint city. i also have visions of me forgetting to click hold as i wipe the screen to remove the finger prints, then inadvertently blasting my ears off as the volume on the virtual wheel goes up. i dunno. having said that, can't wait to see it!
Mar 28, 11:11 PM
Whoever stole it is still going online with it although they have not played a game. I had the Monster HD cables for the system and they only work on an HD TV. You hook it up to an SD TV and you get no video at all. I think they keep powering up the system and trying to make it work but have no clue what they are doing.
Wait, so is it showing up again in your Connect360? Try and call the cops the minute is shows up.
That or,
If parents live there with the teenager(s), just ask them if their kid just got a 360 and if they would mind if you compared serial numbers to your receipt, since its showed up in range of your wireless network.
Don't blame the kid, but be like, well maybe another kid sold it to him or something.
I don't know about them, but at least my parents would have my ass up there in an instant with my 360 even if I had it for over a year lol. I don't even want to think what would have happened to me if it was yours.
Actually, third idea. Just guess which house it is. And just go there and be like, I know you stole my 360 and games, I can tell from it trying to connect to my router since the house is so close. So, I'll tell you what, I'll let all this go if you just hand it over. If he denies it, just be like, okay, well, I'm taking this (log sheet) to the cops, and I can peg the IP address to you. Are you sure you don't want to do just give it back?
And when he gives it back call the cops.
Nov 14, 11:15 PM
Really, the only part i can accurately remember from MW2 is the DC section. I live in the south-east corner of PA so i've been to DC a few times (the DC zoo is one of my favorite places in the whole world). If i lived out west there would be nothing memorable about MW2.
Fwiw, i do hold the flawed story against it. How can i be invested in a game that pretends one man can launch a missile just by strolling into a sub and asking kindly? Even games like Ratchet and Clank have stories that make sense (in context, of course), but MW2 was just too far for me to care about it.
As far as Black Ops goes, the story is ok. I dont like the whole interrogation thing, i feel like the story could be told a bit better, though my opinion may change after i finish the campaign. Any game with nixie tubes automatically scores a few points from me ;)
COD needs another MW. MW was a massive jump forward from COD3, and it did it all perfectly. W@W, MW2, and Black Ops all feel like a new map pack for MW instead of a whole new game.
The rating system looks ugly and out of place and just adds clutter to the forums.
Great post Avatar74. I agree 100%.
vocal majority
I think, perhaps, you meant to say "vocal MINORITY"?