Tori Spelling to Plan Niecyswingerofbirch
Sep 25, 02:19 PM
I was hoping for at least version 1.6.
1.5 is a little too little, a little too late.
Tori Spelling#39;s side sweptClimbingTheLog
Oct 2, 03:40 PM
You'd expect Jobs would have some sympathy for the guy, what with his phreaking days before Apple.
ATM, Apple is making its money on the hardware device, so this really shouldn't hurt their profits too much, even if it does hurt the Store. Would it really be so bad if there were dozens of stores that sold content for (effectively) only the iPod? When Apple will freak out is when the Zune plays Fairplay content. With Microsoft flooding the market with billions of dollars of losses to kill its competition, don't expect this to take too long.
Apple is still committed to DRM. When they offer Apple Lossless files for download with CD-writing still enabled then I'll accept that Apple is DRM-ambivalent. Right now they aren't. And with $2 TV shows the bandwidth argument no longer holds water.
Tori Spellingthe first day the keynote is SOOO slow on the apple server, and nobody has ever seemed to figure out how to download it normally (w/out stream), otherwise it would be all over bittorrent.
so my plan is to hold off ALL DAY and start the stream at like 1 or two in the morn (yes, it is a school night..) and hopefully it will be less bogged down then.
Tori Spelling as zoegirlthis whole war just upsets me.
I would love to have a disc that I could back up 100gig of data at a reasonable price ($10/$15 disc) and not to worry about which to choose. Blu-ray or HD-DVD.
Meanwhile I'll keep buying my 300gb drives at Fry's for less than $80 and use it for back-up and storage.
I hope the hybrid players and hopefully recorders will stop this crap.
Tori Spelling learned by textMacsAttack
Nov 16, 01:01 PM
Some of AMDs embedded products would be very interesting if used on a small form factor i.e. tablet or PDA like device. Perhaps iTV uses AMD components???
With the supply problems they are having right now AMD is not the choice to supply MacBook components. Not when Intel have the capacty and a very strong lineup of products (Core 2 Duo is what they had in mind when Apple switched - Core Duo was just a stop-gap).
Tori Spelling is back toSeems like a solid update to Aperture. I'm curious to see if there is a flickrexport-type feature included in this plug-in api mentioned. That's the one thing I miss from when I previously used iPhoto.
Tori Spelling at Tori Spellingchrisd1974
Apr 5, 04:18 PM
Have any of you negative commenters ever owned an iPhone or even seen an iAd? If not, please reserve your comments.
These aren't just tiny micro banners/advertisements. Those are just the teaser into viewing the full screen iAd and actually, some of them are fairly creative in their implementation. Most are fairly interactive and none of the iAds take you out of the current App your using just to view it (like the old AdMob ads would do). There may be some that allow you to email a coupon to yourself, but I haven't come across any yet.
Long story short, if you don't like ads, don't download free apps that are ad supported or (here's a clever idea) DON'T CLICK ON THE AD. Otherwise, just keep your useless and/or 'clever' comments to yourselves unless you actually know what your talking about.
That's exactly what we do, that's why we think THIS is a pile of ****
Tori Spelling insists she#39;sAs much as I like google as a company, as with everything they start I'm sure they will never finish this. I've come to believe google is incapable of releasing a complete, polished project. But maybe I'm just bitter since I own a 40" google tv that is virtually incapable of doing anything worth doing on a tv.
Tori SpellingWhen one considers Dell's quality of their computers, why are they still #1?
I love my Macbook, but I gotta admit, my Dell Inspiron never just shutdown in the middle of a sen
Tori Spelling: Wedding PlannerBBEmployee
Apr 8, 03:56 PM
As a former BBY employee I can tell you a few things that are flawed.
#1 no former or current Best Buy employee would call themselves BBemployee, BBYEmployee would seem more likely. I know its stupid but it is the culture of Best Buy to shorten it to BBY.
#2 You would have no clue if Best Buy was in trouble. As a simple Blue Shirt or even a Black Shirt you would not have this information passed down to you.
#3 Your rant show that you either hate Best Buy for personal reasons or possibly a former employee who has a huge vendetta against the company.
#4 Your rant does nothing to support this discussion.
#1: Gonna log into Employee Toolkit with my 6-digit number preceded by a letter. Gonna check my Action Center. Gonna run an OMS for delivery and some GSI. Gonna do a lookup in RSS. Gotta print some signs in Sign Monitor. Gonna hit F4 to do some employee price checks. Gonna log into Learning Lounge to do some training. Gonna not care about being a monthly Cyber Star.
If not, I could do something right now that apparently you couldn't. I could actually log in to countless Best Buy employee websites and provide proof to anyone else that can still log in that I am in fact logged in and viewing up to date information. Can you tell me what the latest 5 eLearnings posted are? I can.
Maybe you're the one making all this up.
I doubt it, because I guess I'm not as instantly and intensely skeptical of someone who claims to be a current or former Best Buy employee (imagine that...) considering we're on a tech forum (people nerdy enough to work at Best Buy posting on a tech forum?!?) and Best Buy is the biggest electronics retail chain in the country (I think I see a break in the clouds...).
This would be especially true if person claiming to be a current or former employee knows the term BBY at all. Hell, I'd believe them for my own sake, as I don't want to believe in a world where anyone outside of the Best Buy "family" would ever be concerned with such trivial things.
Oh yeah...Ego. And check your hot zones.
#2 Did I claim that I knew Best Buy was in trouble? No.
#3 I felt I was actually quite fair and even defensive of Best Buy in many regards. It was a bit of a rant, but directed as much to the conspiracy theorists thinking that Best Buy is evil as the company which I (and just about anyone with a brain and a little knowledge of economics) think is lost.
#4 Again, the "rant" as you call it was an attempt at dispelling the unreasonable idea that Best Buy is really out to get the customer at every turn. It was what I feel an objective analysis of the situation from the standpoint of an employee who's involved enough to know the inner workings, but not invested enough to be biased. I was very clear about the fact that I am not exactly a fan of Best Buy as a company.
Tori Spelling Before And Afterbedifferent
Apr 29, 08:05 PM
"About This Mac" System Information now shows HDD content by type as opposed to just "other" (orange)
Tori Spelling is only in herchrisd1974
Apr 5, 04:27 PM
I've just noticed a fantastic new function on my cable box. You can fast forward through the programme to see all the ads. I know what you're thinking, if only there was a way to skip the programmes and jump straight to the ads, because I really want to see the ad about how badly they mis-sold Yaz.
Tori Spelling is writing aa17inchFuture
Sep 12, 02:48 AM
gotta agree ron.
It makes sense, however, just to be devil's advocate, I think the pricepoint issue is very valid to some people, and no matter how easy it is to take a widescreen ipod on the plane, they might not think its worthwhile if they can only watch one movie between charges, and the movies (on a smaller screen) might not be worth 10-15 bucks.
Again, I see the validity, just taking the (valid) stance of the opposition.
Tori Spelling from a recentAt the Honolulu Apple Store I was able to buy a black MacBook, using govt employee discount less black friday discount, total price $1309.00. At first they were saying no double discounts, but after a bit of a stand down myself and another unrelated buyer got the deal. :)
Tori Spelling was seen atI know... but I can always hope :p
It used to be worse when we had to wait for Motorola/IBM to produce enough chips, there were almost always delays in production because of yield issues or something else.
yeah that's true, but now what's the excuse? the processors are out now!
Tori Spelling#39;s sleek sideThe cinema display's didn't change, all that changed was the price. So there isn't any "previous generation model" from what I understand.
Did you miss the part about brighter and greater contrast ratio? :confused:
tori spelling childrenTo the people posting screenshots: You do know that you're breaking the non disclosure agreement you made with Apple when you signed up for the Mac Dev Program? If they track you down, the small print pretty much says they can do very evil things to you. Tred carefully, it's likely Apple will be watching out for people like you.
Who reads those things anyway...
Tori Spelling has moved onezekielrage_99
Jan 15, 06:06 PM
Dude this is insane if its real. Yah think???
I wasn't saying if it's real or not it's the fact that Gizmodo just did a huge prank and they listed a Keynote supposedly from Apple. Real or not Apple is very protective about information about themselves.
I LOVE Tori Spelling!Some people obviously want their homes to feel like a home rather than a hotel.
If we're speculating, maybe those with private baths for each bedroom care more about their guests/kids than you? A person who gives everyone equal convenience to his or her own bedroom shows that they don't think they deserve better than others. It's a bit hypocritical to criticize someone's opinions on this house by criticizing his or her house.
I like the house, but as others have said, I'd at least offer baths for individual bedrooms.
Someone asked you what you were hoping for, and that's it? You call it not revolutionary, but you can't give a single idea of what you think revolutionary is? :confused:
Ideally, a revolutionary product is a completely new concept, something nobody thought of before. If all the iPhone mockups out there had missed the mark, the iPhone would be revolutionary, but there were quite a few that were based on the idea of a huge display and no keys. The iPhone is a mishmash of existing concepts that have been refined, polished and rolled into one. While the multi-touch screen is a milestone of sorts, other aspects of the iPhone are very yesterday. The modest memory, for one, and for another the absence of 3G which is somewhat of a shocker - 3G has been a staple of top-of-the-line phones for years now.
Did I miss the part of the keynote where Steve said this was aimed at the business market? :eek:
If not the business market, then who? It can't be kids, as it has no games, and allegedly no support for custom ringtones. It can't be business users, since they'll want Outlook or Lotus Notes sync, and possibly a navigator, and they'll most definitely not want to use frickin' iTunes to sync up. Which leaves, I dunno... Mac enthusiasts and 30-somethings who are hoping for 15 minutes of fame by the watercooler? He did say his goal was 10 million units.
Mar 18, 08:51 PM
Oh my, you really missed the point with this one. Maybe you are right and I'm exaggerating, but if someone flat out starts being rude to someone because they see them with something, then I'm struggling to think of a reason. By no means am I placing extraordinary value on it, what have I been repeating through every page of this thread? Its just a damn phone. Keep your life lessons to yourself and try not to be so condescending.
Also, reality is that there are a lot of people out there that get jealous of material things. Some people get jealous when they see others drive a nicer car, some get jealous when they see someone with nicer shoes then them. I perfectly understand the shallowness of the human condition. I'm simply pointing out an observation based on my own personal experience within the last few days.
alright dude, sorry for the rant. but based on your response, you're really not getting my point, so I'm going to stop trying.
If the score is X, you can change the score to X-1 and X+1. If you change it to X-1 then press up, it'll display as X+1 which removes your down vote and adds your upvote.In other words, there is no allowance for apathy. I can't be arsed with a system that doesn't allow for apathy. **** that.
Also, please explain why clicking on the "up" arrow sometimes adds 1 and sometimes 2. Does it depend on how enthusiastically you press the button?
It's a problem. It's been reproduced by CNET, Consumer Reports, NYT, and many others.
That's the weird thing. It's only a small problem. But it's been reported by all these media and it's an Apple product, so it will get 'eyeballs'.
When the Nokia N97 came out (not in the US though) it was supposed to be the new flagship phone that was hailed as the 'iPhone killer'. But: the 'real' firmware wasn't ready and the preliminary version was riddled with bugs, the GPS antenna had a design fault requiring people to fiddle with bits of copper wire, the camera lens cover actually scratched the lens of the camera, the camera flash unit was creating a haze in every picture because of a design flaw and the phone either crashed, dropped calls or became unresponsive to its touchscreen several times a day.
Now, the Nokia forums and several blog sites were awash with people complaining. Many users left Nokia and swore they would never return. The company quickly released a follow-up model and provided hardware fixes - but only for people who actually complained. The whole N97 debacle was very badly handled by Nokia and they lost a lot of credibility with high-end users. Android and iPhone got a lot of new users.
Has any of this ever been reported in the mainstream media? Hell no.
toke lahti
Jan 15, 06:22 PM
To all of you saying Blu-Ray, do you really think Apple is going to put that in their computers if they are trying to get digital distribution to work? I just don't see it happening.
Apple also claims to be pro choise for pro video content creation.
Can you imagine pro video without blu-ray in 2008?
Once again pro choise is no choise...
Next dissapointment time will be wwdc at summer?
Maybe they don't update xraid to make demand for TimeCapsule also ;)