Fox Racing Hat Lines Fly FoxSnowy_River
Jan 9, 04:21 PM
How long does it usually take before they post the stream? I'm dying to watch it!
Fox Racing Stacked TShirtMacsAttack
Nov 16, 03:03 PM
Correct me if I am wrong.... but if Apple switches to AMD processors wouldn't they have to rewrite their apps again to work with AMD as they had to do with the Intel switch
That was one reason why the switch to Intel was a good move. If Intel failed to deliver (with the Core 2 CPUs), then Apple had an alternative supplier they can switch to.
While the Apple/Intel contract probably gives Intel exclutivity in the Mac line, the contract will not last forever. If Intel stuffs up, or fails to give Apple a good deal come renewal time (of if AMD pull some real interesting tech out of the hat) then Apple can switch with little effort on the software front.
Unlike with the G5 Power range, Apple now have alternative suppliers. Competition is good for the customer. Without AMDs fine rnage of products Intel would never have had the incentive to produce the Core 2 range and we would be stuck with the gawd-aweful Netburst P4 architecture.
FOX RACING MySpace graphicsBurger King
Apr 15, 09:45 PM
The market doesn't need the PC to evolve anymore. From a hardware perspective, most people could use hardware made 5 years ago to do the simple applications they use.
On the other hand, PC software has evolved where there has been a need and competition drives it.
Building things cheaper at the sake of cutting costs and innovation doesn't work. The american automobile industry is a living proof of that.
You are correct on the first part. Apple removed the need for most people to need a PC with the introduction of the Ipad.
99% of the junk from China wouldn't exist if you were correct on the last part.
cross Fox+racing+picsHastings101
May 3, 09:52 PM
And I'll buy one when it comes with dual fold-out screens in a**-kicking neon colors and a choice of animal stripes, lightning bolts or fire emblems, and is sold at Wal-mart in shrink-wrapped packaging for $9.99 and has commercials featuring hot girls in bikinis jumping on a trampoline.
In other words, we're both out of luck.
I would buy that. I would buy two of that.
fox racing logo wallpapersEpsilon88
Oct 24, 12:39 AM
iPhone of Houses? Title seems a little misplaced. :confused:
Fox Racing Youth Hats -RedI threw up in my mouth a little bit� for a month with the Intel switch.
I may have to hospitalized if this actually happens.
Fox Racing Encore New EraThe MBP is a Pro machine. I'd be willing to be that most of Apple's pro user-base does know the difference between Core Duo and Core 2 Duo.
Ahh... but you assume the average customer cares. I agree, the MBP is intended to be a pro machine. But there are a lot of customers out there who buy the biggest and brightest because they can afford it and they want it. I have a boss who doesn't know his elbow from his... well... you know. And he has an MBP and a 20" Intel iMac. He can barely use his email, but he's got the toys. And these people are not that rare... particularly when it comes to Apple. Sad but true.
And as a minor technicality, sending IMs and loading web pages depend on the speed of your internet connection, not your processor.
Yeah, I know... I was just making a point. Internet connection being equal, the generic apps (Safari, Mail, iChat) are all simple enough to run at basically same speed on a Powerbook G4 as they do on a brand new MacPro.
I predict MBPs will be out sooner than you might think, otherwise Apple risks being scoffed at by the technology community
I'm sure we'll see them soon too, if only because it's been a while since the last MBP refresh. But the people who are clamoring or saying that the tech community will scoff at Apple are mistaken. We all bitch and moan because we want the latest, but whenever it comes, even if it's in January, we'll all still buy because at the end of the day the processor is only a piece of the puzzle. Apple is head and shoulders better than everyone else, so those of us in the know will always buy... they've built more than enough confidence over the past few years to earn the technology community's trust.
Red Fox Racing Logo TongueDRM should be unified - one DRM standard for ALL devices.
While I'm no great fan of DRM, this makes about as much sense as making all home, car and office locks use the same key. And making files DRM'd under one system transferable to a different DRM (what France was attempting) simply means that no DRM will be stronger than the weakest.
Like it are not, if we want to buy legit music, we've got to have a fairly effective DRM or those who own music have no incentive to release it. Would any of us leave a brand-new MacBook Pro unattended on a park bench while we went into a store? Well, these people have far more invested in their music than we have in our computers.
In short, we shouldn't demand of others different standards than those we live by ourselves.
Fox Racin Logo - Fox Racing,Oddly enough, from the education store, you can't get the extra discounts. Well at least not on the ipod...but on the government store ... YOU CAN!
I would have save an extra $30 if I went through the gvt store. OOOPS! Hopefully someone else benefits from this post and doesnt make the same mistake! I will probably call apple in the morning and see if I can get the extra savings ... but just a heads up if you are a gvt employee!
Fox Racing HatsWhen Apple releases their new HD TV the networks will have complete control on pricing with Apple getting it's cut. Apple will provide a complete hardware delivery system for them that operates seamlessly with a click, and has a magical (could not resist) effect on the end user.
No needing to try all this crap streaming through Amazon and such BS. Could even give Netflix a run.
Tivo already did this, over a decade ago. And look at the mess that has existed for them. First with DirecTV, and now Comcast. Uh, and now with DirecTV again.
Fox RacingWestonHarvey1
Jul 21, 12:51 PM
You seem to have missed the "... MORE than iPhone 3gs" part.
A better antenna should drop FEWER calls (unless there's a flaw)
You don't get the real picture about performance from that average. What are the call drop numbers when people don't "hold it wrong"? Let's say they were 50 fewer on the 4. That would indicate a massively improved overall antenna design. So you'd have an antenna that holds on to calls about exactly as well on average, with the *ability to greatly exceed previous performance depending on use*. That can't be ignored.
And not all dropped calls are signal related. Some are capacity related and we have no idea how AT&T runs those numbers.
layouts Fox+racing+pics"iAd Gallery" .... HA!
Advertising for this just writes itself! ...
"Want to know exactly how much of an Apple whore you are?
Interested in downloading an app with no functionality beyond JUST feeding Apple advertising revenue?
There's an APP for that!".
Fox Racing Logo Cake picture .Popeye206
Jan 15, 04:16 PM
One thing I think people need to keep in mind about the MB Air... it's NOT a replacement laptop or a replacement workstation!
Stop looking for the big power and flexibility! It's a product designed for the road warrior. Someone that is always on the road and needs a light but functional laptop will find the Air useful and not a bad value compared to others on the market in the category.
People should look at the MB Air as a technology demonstration of whats possible and what will come in the future to more laptops... I'm guessing the next MB's and MB Pros are going to be thinner and have solid state drives as an option.
All I'm saying is keep it in perspective... the MB Air is NOT FOR EVERYONE!
fox racing logo myspaceso it's kind of a mixture here.
1. more capacity -> blu-ray
2. lower price -> hd-dvd
3. porn industry choses the cheapest format -> hd-dvd
the big thing will be the players. blu-ray players had a bad start (frames were dropped, image quality wasn't that good, delays).
it looks like blu-ray will have a hard fight.
HD DVD is barely any cheaper then Blu-Ray right now.
I mean few bucks isn't going to change my mind.
Also the porn industry more then likely went with VHS because of it's 3 hrs capacity then it just being cheaper of the two. Think how much porn could be crammed onto a blu-ray disc!?
Fox Racing Logoflopticalcube
Apr 11, 12:35 PM
Yes. That doesn't make it okay. I'd expect the first intel Macs to still be able to run the latest OS. What is the betting that computers from 2006 will be able to run Windows 8? High chance I'd say.
only if W8 had a 32bit flavor. Otherwise, no. Apple prefers one flavor. At any rate, Apples motivation is to sell hardware so the push to update is always there. MS only cares about software.
Fox+racing+logo+backgroundRodimus Prime
Mar 4, 11:26 AM
Lee, my wife is a teacher. I'm quite aware of how much they make. For the record, they aren't required to have masters degrees (where do you get this stuff?). Most importantly, without thuggish unions, good teachers like my wife would make far more money than they do today, while the bad ones would make less or be fired. Good riddance. Our students deserve better. If you can't hack it, get another job.
Yeah....I know enough about the inner workings of how teachers are paid and how all that works to call BS on what you saying. Give you an idea of how I know fair amount of inner workers is my brother is becoming a teacher and he is the 6th or 7th generation teacher so teaching runs in the family.
Chances are with out the union you wife would be MAKING LESS not more. Most teachers are good. You have a very small handful that are bad but they are the ones that make the news because yes it is hard to get them out but at the same time those rules got put in place because the administration would really abuse their power.
The bad teachers you hear about but the large number of good ones never are talked about.
Pay for teachers is pretty much crap and they are not paid enough for what they have to put up with or the hours they have to put in. This goes double for any teachers in Math or Science were their pay is well below what they would in industry.
Master degree part what Lee made the mistake on involves a requirement to teach any class that can go on to a 4 year university and that is for accreditation n reasons.
Oct 11, 07:22 PM
Sweet! Now all I need is a car charger and some silly putty to stick it to my dashboard
fox racing wallpaper logo.21 Gramm
Fox Racing, Fox Logo, Racing,
A great commercial. As a teacher who is getting 30 ipads for next years students I am super pumped. These truly are the future of education and I can't wait to have my students start using them.
Jan 14, 11:26 PM
I think they'll be barred after this....
need more than a grain of salt for this. These rumours come and go all the time. I doubt it will happen. In the summer? yes, but not now
Aug 8, 06:19 AM
This is great news. We asked for it and we got it. Thanks Apple.
Why do people upgrade .mac on thanksgiving.
Isn't the price on amazon cheaper(or at least as cheap as), and no tax?!
It is actually cheaper than the Apple Store. The only reason I went to Apple was because Call of Duty. It was the same price as Amazon in total, but I would rather give Apple the business since I own lots of stock.:D