emo love quotes tagalog_09. wallpaper I love Techno wow; wallpaper I love Techno wow. adbe. Mar 29, 02:37 PMHey guys,
I want to watch the QuickTime stream "fresh," without knowing anything going in. This has worked OK in the past, but I always get a little spoiled before I watch the show (MacBook Pro, new Shuffle). Is there a link (webpage, e-mail, RSS) that I can simply get the notice once the QuickTime stream is up, and what the link is? In the past, I have watched:
but they don't always update that page right away (I have watched that page for more than a day before while the link was up).
I guess I could use the current numbering system and set my home page to:
(my home page is currently apple.com).
Any ideas? Thanks for the input.
Emo Kids Hairstyles TodayXian Zhu Xuande
Jul 21, 09:50 AM
I kinda get a kick out of all the whining coming from people over Apple's decision to actually address this. I imagine much of that whining is coming from the same people who were posting, "LOL! Suck it Apple! Look at those commercials bashing your broken iPhone 4!"
The PR over this antenna thing got to a point where Apple had to respond. They were being targeted over this by their competitors in commercials and it seemed as if that trend was only going to pick up. It is silly and ignorant to expect them to take that lying down when they actually can demonstrate the same issue on competitor phones.
And by the way, about the dB thing: I really would love to see those numbers too, but frankly, to the general population it is the bars that matter, and for these other phones to lose such a majority of bars means they've either got bars every bit as misleading as Apple's were (or more), or they're suffering a similar loss in dB. It doesn't speak well to some companies' defense that Apple is the only one with this issue in either case.
LOL, couldn't agree more! This change in attitude is going to be the demise of Apple inc.
It just wouldn't be an Apple discussion without at least one, "Apple is d00m3d!!!11" comment.
emo love quotes tagalog_09. I love Apple products,; I love Apple products,. THX1139. Jul 23, 02:29 AM. For the laptop segment, by the Holiday#39;s,The Windows task bar is now by far much better with the addition of aero peek
Networking, its easier, faster and generally better then dealing with OSX.
I have to say that Networking has definitely improved from XP to Win 7, but when I switched over to OS X, one of the first things I noticed was how much *easier* and *simple* networking was on the Mac side.
And if simple isn't for you, you can always dig down and go into Terminal to *manually* set up your network. I've done that with Linux in the past, and believe me, Mac *AND* Windows are simpler than manually configuring eth0 ;)
Aero Peek looked pretty cool, but I just don't use that feature at all - I like having a quick launch bar to run most of my software in Windows (probably why I took to the Dock so quickly in OS X.)
emo love quotes tagalog_09. Even princesses love ice cream; Even princesses love ice cream. david_r_p. Jul 22, 09:00 PM. If it#39;s going to have a huge screenwhat sucks is that academic ve4rsions are not allowed this free update.
what bs. considering i just bought the freakin app not more than 3 weeks ago.
where did you see that? :confused:
emo love quotes tagalog_09. iPCs, I think, is going too far.
Microsoft, apparently, begs to differ.
emo love quotes tagalog_09. famous tattoo quotes about; famous tattoo quotes about. realitymonkey. Apr 6, 06:52 AMSteve loves his magic. I bet he always wanted a magician at his party as a kid. Better than having a clown.
funny family guy quotes.they didn't release iwork and ilife probably b/c of Amazon putting it up on their website early
Actually, I believe it wasn't released at MacWorld for two reasons...
1) Time. They keynote ran about 2 hours as is (already above the average). Introducing two new software suites would easily add another 45 minutes (making the event much too long).
2) The focus was clearly the iPhone, and Jobs didn't want anything to steal its glory.
It makes much more sense to introduce the iPhone at MacWorld and have a separate event for Leopard, iLife, and iWork.
emo love quotes tagalog_09. funny family guy quotes. funny family guy quotes. babyj. Sep 19, 09:52 AM...or integrate it into the aluminum enclosure on the back. Not knowing metallurgy, I am not sure if there is a way to turn aluminum to a receptive material or could the case be of an aluminum alloy to allow reception?
Actually, Aluminum is a good conductor and makes an excellent antenna material. Almost all television and amateur radio antennas are aluminum.
Why is it a poor idea on a phone? As soon as you touch the case, you ground the antenna and get no reception!
tagalog funny quotes. tagalogDaveDaveDave
Apr 29, 03:24 PM
And people kept telling me that OSX and iOS weren't going to merge in any meaningful manner for years ahead, if ever. Yeah right. I'd bet the one after this has them nearly fully merged and I mean towards iOS for the most part. OSX will be dumbed down to the lowest common brain cell and you won't be able to get free/open software anymore. It'll have to come through the App Store or not at all. Wait and see. That is the point I'll be moving on.
There's a huge difference between merging in concepts of the UI, user-friendly software distribution, media access and what you describe.
It is very unlikely that Apple's engineering and marketing would destroy what they've worked to build for so long, IMHO. How are you so certain that they'll be bringing all the bad stuff along with the good stuff? Seriously - do you really think that Apple's talent are as utterly foolish that you make them out to be?
emo love quotes tagalog_09.darkplanets
Apr 29, 03:42 PM
I noticed on an aforementioned wikipedia page that Samba was removed...
Does this mean I cannot connect to a linux server via smb:// ???
Not everything is a windows workgroup... :(
I mean I guess it's not a huge deal since I can ssh in, but I liked mounting it as a volume from finder.
emo love quotes tagalog_09. I love the small govement; I love the small govement. dethmaShine. Apr 29, 04:00 PM. iCal is awesome. Looks great; works greatdon't think we're just getting Mickey Mouse and Daffy Duck movies
Daffy Duck is from Warner, not Disney.
cute blonde emo hairstyles 541I miss having a smaller portable laptop. I know they're exceeding specs with the 13" screen, but I'd really like to have an 8.5 x 11 sized laptop again. 13" is nice, but on a train or a plane it's always too big to work comfortably.
I don't use my laptop as my primary machine, if I have a lot of writing to do, I use my iMac. No ethernet could be an issue for business travelers, as not all hotels have wireless. I guess the answer to that is airport express, but is a smaller, not necessarily thinner, macbook THAT much to ask for?
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Apr 9, 03:23 PM
Moving and decided to not pay Comcast any more than I have to.
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emo love quotes tagalog_09. I#39;d also love for theNot at all, I despise the NRA and I don't even own guns. To be clear, I feel Dr. Choi should be free to ask such questions without losing his license or going to jail; likewise I should be free to decline to discuss such matters with him.
Do you have precription medications locked up?
Are household cleaners and poisons out of reach?
Is poison control's # on your phone?
Do you have a fire escape plan?
Do you have your child in an age-appropriate safety seat correctly installed?
Do you have a pool, and is there an alarm or safety gate?
Does your child wear a bike helmet?
Why does a question about a potentially dangerous object and your provisions for its safe keeping threaten you? The doctor is not playing politics, hes practicing good preventative medicine.
emo love quotes tagalog_09. Justice would love to knowRunning a sweatshop company offshore to protect themselves from any human rights violations
Name one manufacturer of consumer electronics who does ALL of their manufacturing in the continental USA.
emo love quotes tagalog_09.Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; sv-se) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)
Location tracking "bug"... haha... well, I'm glad Apple got caught.
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What makes them worthless?
Anyway, you live by the Apple you die by the Apple. Your choice to make your choices theirs.
emo love quotes tagalog_09.What I want:
- Ultra-Portable Subnotebook
- Updated Apple TV
- Movie Rentals
- Mac OS X 10.5.2
- 3G iPhone w/1.1.3
- Official SDK
emo love quotes tagalog_09.joeshell383
Jan 6, 04:18 AM
"And one more thing...all 5G ipods have a built in wireless chip which we activated about 5 seconds ago, so here's a recap for all those of you listening in..."
I wish :)
Bummer :( that's aggravating...
tell me about it. and i can't fix it until this weekend. but hopefully i can get it stable then
What it IS like is me, a record label, spending money on making music, then letting people listen to it for free on the radio. How dumb would that be? :rolleyes:
No, that's not a valid comparison, either. Because...
Sep 12, 08:18 AM
since they haven't take down apple store for update, does that mean no new product? just new service? i'm waiting for a MB/MBP update
Well, then try to run Aperture on your PB. Good luck.
No money from me until MBP is state of the art. I'm not going to pay nearly $ 3.000 in January 2008 for a notebook without SSE4 and Blue-Ray.
I just sold my shares.
My point was to ask the guy what exactly he does that demands that kind of firepower. Computers these days are overpowered for what 90% of the population does. However, Aperture is a perfect example of an application that needs more firepower... Thanks for pointing that out. It is a professional application that is useful, almost necessary, to professional photographers but a complete luxury for anyone else.
If you can justify the purchase of Aperture to manage images from your $10,000 mega-res SLR, then you can probably afford a desktop workstation to handle it... and write it off as a business expense.
But otherwise, I'm asking why does the poster in particular to whom I responded need more than that in a MacBook Air? Not because I want him to buy one. Clearly he could buy a MacBook or a MacBook Pro that better suits him. But you have to understand I see way too many people complaining every year that Apple hasn't produced the gadget to snatch up the money burning a hole in their pockets since... oh, a year ago when they bought that year's latest and greatest.
People say "I'm ready for a new computer" six months to a year after they just bought one... and I find that patently absurd when 90% of the time, the person speaking uses said computer for: internet, email, word processing, music and consumer photo/video.
Let's hope this isn't the last change...
I disliked a few changes in the shortcuts in the track pad gestures...
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