His blonde hair, lue eyes and; Black Hair Blue Eyes Anime Boy. blonde anime boy blue eyes; blonde anime boy blue eyesCounterfit
Jan 17, 11:00 PM
Basically any time-appropriate game from Ambrosia will be awesome on there. Apeiron is probably the most fun though. A thoroughly modernized Centipede. :D
Mark-short dark hair,Informationweek article (http://www.informationweek.com/news/hardware/supercomputers/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=229202772)
Jack Dongarra, a computing expert at the University of Tennessee who helped design the technology used in testing systems on the Top 500 list, said he expects more 10-petaflop-plus systems next year. "Everything is moving along according to Moore's law, so things are doubling every 18 months, roughly," Dongarra told InformationWeek.
Dongarra predicted computer makers in 2017 will have 100-petaflop systems, with "exascale" systems between 2018 and 2020. An exascale, or extreme-scale, computer is expected to be a thousand times faster than a petascale system. "All of these things are dependent on funding," Dongarra said in an interview. "This will happen if the funding is in place for those machines."
100 petaflops is 10^17 FLoating-point OPperations/Second.
I'll be sure to buy a desktop 100 petaflop Mac so I can read my email much faster than I can now. :D
Seriously, it's incredible to think about the types of simulations they'll be able to run, including much more sophisticated weather models. However, this article (http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1062325) said that we'll need 1 zettaflops for full weather simulation. That's 10^21 operations/second!
Anime Boy with long lack hairOrangeSVTguy
Mar 18, 12:20 PM
552,139 points sounds about right if your overclocked to 10.3ghz but if not then something is wrong :p
Anyways. Try and do a slight overclock to 3.5-8ghz and you'll be finishing bigadvs in no time. You need to fully complete 10 bigadv WUs to start getting their bonus. You will get 75k + points when you complete it. I get closely 90k points when I complete one, which is around 55k PPD.
Don't be afraid to OC, the 920s are the best and you can probably get close to 4ghz on air. See how far you can go on stock voltages. I got a really good chip as I'm at 4.2ghz @1.26v and it's 24/7 folding stable. Lower volts = lower temps and vice versa.
anime boy black hair.seriously? apple has kept a pretty light lid on the ipad 2 besides a ton of internet rumors. so how would anyone know anything about jailbreaking it at this point!?
Anime Boy With Black HairMr. Anderson
Sep 21, 10:46 AM
Originally posted by Nipsy
Friday nights are the standard maintenance period for the Apple store.
You should get excited when you see that graphic, and it is not a Friday night.
Ah, oh well. It was fun for a second or two.....
Re: Black and White : TwoWirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-gb) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)
Don't know about you guys but I have decided to order my new iPad online this morning at 5am and then take my chances at the store today. When I places my order it said 2-3 weeks which is a bit scary!! I went for the 32gb 3G in black with the grey smart cover (yes I know I'm boring) let me know whether you have taken the same route and also whether you hear from Apple on shipping. I will hopfully be heading out to Covent Garden this afternoon to try to get my hands on one.... ATB Nick
message 3: by Broken_heartsI have every confidence Firefox will not go down the same path IE has gone down.
Different Anime Boy Hairstyles
a oy who has lack hairPine Pienaar
Oct 20, 02:07 AM
Just less than 1MB for me.
I like updates for Mac OS X.
I thought that Mac OS is immune to security threats?
05cal6.jpg Black Hair BlueRealPlayer is indeed very useful. It's the only player that runs on all 3 major platforms, and I don't have any problems with it (except that I wish the mouse would disappear when you go fullscreen, and when you close the player window, the whole app quits). I don't see why so many people dislike it, but I'm sure they've got their reasons.
of clothes :Boy:BlackSirus The Virus
Nov 4, 08:07 PM
I like it. Good idea.
and shaggy lack hair withmadmaxmedia
Nov 8, 02:32 PM
And not only Excel, but to 100% guarantee things look the same, you need to use the PC version (if you're dealing with PC customers) and you need to make sure you use a font that they have, the same screen resolution they are running, etc.
That's a good point. I have no problems myself, but it's not 'mission critical' stuff where I'm emailing reports to customers, etc. I have a Mac and my co-workers have PC's, and we have had no problems with inter-office compatibility.
anime boy with lack hairWashington (CNN) -- Frank Buckles, the last living U.S. World War I veteran, has died, a spokesman for his family said Sunday. He was 110.
Buckles "died peacefully in his home of natural causes" early Sunday morning, the family said in a statement sent to CNN late Sunday by spokesman David DeJonge.
Buckles marked his 110th birthday on February 1, but his family had earlier told CNN he had slowed considerably since last fall, according his daughter Susannah Buckles Flanagan, who lives at the family home near Charles Town, West Virginia.
Buckles, who served as a U.S. Army ambulance driver in Europe during what became known as the "Great War," rose to the rank of corporal before the war ended. He came to prominence in recent years, in part because of the work of DeJonge, a Michigan portrait photographer who had undertaken a project to document the last surviving veterans of that war.
As the years continued, all but Buckles had passed away, leaving him the "last man standing" among U.S. troops who were called "The Doughboys."
DeJonge found himself the spokesman and advocate for Buckles in his mission to see to it that his comrades were honored with a monument on the National Mall, alongside memorials for veterans of World War II and the conflicts in Korea and Vietnam.
Buckles made history when he was asked to testify in Congress on the matter before a House committee on December 3, 2009.
"I have to," he told CNN when he came to Washington, as part of what he considered his responsibility to honor the memory of fellow-veterans.
Buckles, after World War I ended, took up a career as a ship's officer on merchant vessels. He was captured by the Japanese in the Philippines during World War II and held prisoner of war for more than three years before he was freed by U.S. troops.
Never saying much about his POW experience, Buckles instead wanted attention drawn to the plight of the D.C. War Memorial. During a visit to the run-down, neglected site a few years ago, he went past the nearby World War II memorial without stopping, even as younger veterans stopped and saluted the old soldier in his wheelchair as he went by.
Renovations to the structure began last fall, but Buckles, with his health already failing, could not make a trip to Washington to review the improvements. The National Park Service is overseeing efforts that include replacing a neglected walkway and dressing up a deteriorated dome and marble columns.
Details for services and arrangements will be announced in the days ahead, the family statement said.
Flanagan, his daughter, said preliminary plans began weeks ago, with the Military District of Washington expressing its support for an honors burial at Arlington, including an escort platoon, a horse-drawn casket arrival, a band and a firing party.
"It has long been my father's wish to be buried in Arlington, in the same cemetery that holds his beloved General Pershing," Flanagan wrote as she began to prepare for the inevitable in a letter she sent to home-state U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin, D-West Virginia.
"I feel confident that the right thing will come to pass," she said.
In addition to graveside ceremonies, a proposal from U.S. Rep. Ted Poe, R-Texas, calls for a memorial in the U.S. Capitol, where Buckles' casket would be displayed with honors.
Buckles in 2008 attended Veterans Day ceremonies at Arlington at the grave of Gen. John Pershing, the commander of U.S. troops during World War I.
He also had met with then-President George W. Bush at the White House, and U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates at the Pentagon.
"The First World War is not well understood or remembered in the United States," Gates said at the time. "There is no big memorial on the National Mall. Hollywood has not turned its gaze in this direction for decades. Yet few events have so markedly shaped the world we live in."
Buckles' family asks that donations be made to the National World War I Legacy Project to honor Frank Buckles and the 4,734,991 Americans that he served with during World War I. Details can be found at: www.frankbuckles.orghttp://www.cnn.com/2011/US/02/27/wwi.veteran.death/index.html
jephduh. Regular - memberI had to partition my old Blueberry iMac once when I upgraded the hard drive . . .
I went from a 6 GB to a 40 GB hard drive in January of 2002 (at that time it cost me about $120!). When I popped it into my iMac, I was required to partition the drives, because there was an 8 GB capacity. I ended up with four 8 GB drives and the one around 5 GB. It was horrible. I separated my drives into OS X, OS 9, Games, Virtual PC, and Digital Video.
So, I would also recommend not to partition. It really doesn't have much of purpose anymore.
Scouts(they watch the borders)Does anybody know why?
P.S. I get about 1/3 the normal battery life running XP, 1/2 running Vista, and 2/3 running an unsupported OS - Windows 7 - on my MBP.No idea. I have even encountered anecdotal evidence where a Hackintosh notebook will have better battery life under hacked OS X when compared to Windows.
Though it only applies to certain models and if you can get the power management to work properly.
lack hair emo anime boysoundman2385
Oct 23, 09:53 AM
sorry I hope things get better for you, it must have been a sad sad day
3 girls hair is dark brownloganbyers07
Feb 23, 04:04 PM
i will trade you my 16 gb ipod touch for it. :)Is it unlocked?
Please let me know. I also have the wall charger for it. I would love to get a :apple: iphone
Anime Boy With Black HairI ran across this program the other day and have been using it. The speed of this version of firefox is much faster than safari or ff1.0. Here is a link to the site.
you were a(n) (anime) oy,Tallhalfwit
Jun 19, 04:23 AM
Interesting to see that the key-visual (bunch of TV screens rotating) they use actually comes from the Apple TV starting animation and yet, there was no news on it.....:(
Mar 21, 07:28 PM
I d/l the blobs to my computer with tiny umbrella, instead of editing the host file. Either way works.
ETA: you can try using finder to find the hosts file.
got em
Feb 3, 03:48 PM
Does anyone know how I could do this? Basically I have a client who wants to stream a part of their store to the general public so that people could see what happens during the day. All that I know at the moment is that it will be a flash window located on their front page. I just don't know how I should go about streaming to the web. Would I need a dedicated IP? Hardware/Server? What kind of bandwidth would this require?
I love my OB Defender. I may try out other cases, but I always come back to the OB Defender. OB Customer Service is one of the best as well. I'm waiting on my new black and white silicons to arrive in the mail due to them stretching out over time.
I would have titled the story
"Firefox Flaw Fuels Phishing Fears"
But that's just me :)
Feb 20, 09:53 AM
I posted this question in an older thread but realized that the topic was somewhat different.
Here is my problem.
I am in the process of migrating my iPhoto pictures over to Aperture. Because I have close to 100k pictures and short clips, I can not import my entire 500 GB library at once because I don't have enough hard drive space to support both iPhoto and Aperture libraries at the same time. I also thought it might make sense to not have one gigantic library. Also I would like to have my old photos separated by years, and I don't know if Aperture would do this if I imported the entire iPhoto library (which does only separate them by events) at once. So it appears to me that the only import method that would work (please correct me if this is wrong) would be to open the "Masters" directory of iPhoto in the Finder, and drag and drop each year's directory into the "Projects/Library" panel in Aperture. Note that I do not want any editing information preserved from iPhoto, so using the Masters seems to be the most space efficient thing. So far so good but there appear to be at least two big snags. Firstly the yellow projects folders within each blue years folder in Aperture are not in chronological but in alphabetical order and I can't find out how to fix this. Secondly (and much more importantly) the dates on many old photos have been altered in an apparent random manner during the import into Aperture! Therefore they do appear in the wrong locations in my events library, according to the altered date. There are many too many photos that have been changed to undo this manually (I estimate it would take several weeks to do this).
But how and why could this have happened in the first place?
I also noticed that even when I change the dates of the Aperture masters to the true ones (by comparing to the masters in iPhoto), they still remain in the same wrong location in my Projects/Events library, according to the date originally (and falsely) assigned by Aperture.
There surely has to be a way to import photos into Aperture without ruining their date stamp?
Thanks in advance for your help!