Kate Middletonthe size and weight of the power supply makes it damn stupid to put in the top.
top heavy is just idiotic.
i'd love to see dual optical drive bays and the same basic design as the G5. it's a great design, so why the need for change in the first place... :rolleyes:
Kate Middleton Wedding DressGet with the program you guys ...
... start think the way APPLE think :eek:
Apple will NOT release such a HIGH END MACchine without spotlighting a use :eek: :eek:
Such a most excellent MACchine would be released with Bluray and the computing power would be used to burn to ALL THAT SPACE in human as opposed to GEOLOGICAL time spans :eek: :eek: :eek:
More Wedding Dress Proposalswolfshades
Mar 22, 12:48 PM
I wish RIM all the success in the world, even as I say that coming out with a WiFi-only version of the Playbook is a little short-sighted. Add to that so many executives want to have just one device, not two, in order to talk to their BES servers. (You need to pair the Playbook with a Blackberry)
I know that for RIM is a catch-22. They want desperately to compete with Apple before the iPad corners the market on tablets, and they didn't feel they could wait until their 3G product arrives at the end of this year.
Prince William Kate MiddletonUnder the hood it got all the bell and whistle, but the app market has not enough tablet optimized app to back it up. Some app just crash or won't open. And last time I check, they haven't release an update to allow the use to micro SDHC card yet.
Xoom = DOA, Android = still fragmented
Kate Middleton wedding dressWidescreen is great for movie watching, and the spec-lover in me is all over that... but it’s not very flexible for portrait use. (Which is how you hold a tablet one-handed, and is how you see the most content on a web page or scrolling document.)
A 10.1” 1280x800 screen is actually almost exactly the same screen area as an iPad: the iPad is 45.2 sq. in., and the 10.1 is 45.8 sq. in.
Held in portrait mode, the 10.1 is .75” taller... but .5” narrower than an iPad. I don’t think I’d care for that. (But with 1280x800 you do gain 32 pixels of width, and 256 pixels of height. Still not great for portrait use.)
The 8.9 display, though—which seems to save a few bucks—is an interesting option for dropping the price floor on “real” tablets. (Not that I’d settle for Android’s failings. As pointed out: specs alone don’t make a good car, nor a good computer, nor a good tablet!)
I hope these catch on enough that I can actually buy an iPad.
Ha ha :D Good thinking!
kate middleton wedding dress01civicman
Apr 8, 08:30 AM
Sorry if this has been beaten to death over the next nine pages but I just don't have the time to read it all this morning.
It's very simple really. Each day a retail outlet like Best Buy has a budget they want to hit. Even though it depends on local let's call it $75,000. Now let's say in this very high pressure competitive environment I have already made budget but know that tomorrow my budget is going to be $100,000. I'm a little nervous about hitting that but know that I got like 15 iPads sitting in the back. Very simple solution. Do not sell anymore iPads for the day and wait to sell them tomorrow! The iPads alone will net me 10,000 of that budget. No way am I going to sell them after I've made todays goal.
This is just one of many different scenarios but they all are very similar. Should I hold iPads in the back until it looks like we may not hit budget? Should I hold them off for tomorrows monster budget? Should I sell them to go over budget and be tops for the day in the district? Etc, etc, etc.
And I'm telling you that it doesn't matter if you are 15K over one day and 15K light the other day. At the end of the month, its even.
kate middleton prince williamSony have set a new release date: November 24th (this year, if you were wondering). So then, 12 days to go, unless you're one of the lucky ones who's already managed to get a copy ;)
prince william kate middletonKranchammer
Apr 6, 04:43 PM
You both ignored HOT DOGS! Sheesh, hot dogs rule. The only problem is kids under 6 choking on them unless you cut them right. But that will be fixed in the v3.0 hot dog, they will come pre-sliced.
GTFO. :mad:
Or are you counting on the deal with that swedish sausage company to save hot dogs from doooom?
The race to the bottom continues...
kate middleton william weddinggregor.hoch
Apr 6, 11:21 AM
I'm pretty sure you are aware that Apple would use LV CPU in 13", not ULV. That bumps us to 2.3GHz plus Turbo. You have said this yourself too and I already covered the reason in my other post.
This is just a MR article and surprisingly, they don't have much idea about the TDPs. Hopefully they will correct their article so people won't live in confusion.
Hellhammer, can I ask you something about this? There are SB LV and now SB ULV. Both are for laptops and the Macbook Pro 13 has SB LV, right? Or does the Pro has something else? What is the performance difference between an equally clocked ULV and LV?
Kate Middleton wedding gownThe folks over at Anandtech have dropped engineering samples of the quad core cloverton into a Mac Pro - http://www.anandtech.com/mac/showdoc.aspx?i=2832&p=6
and it worked ... all eight cores were recognised.
The rest of the article was interesting too.
This willl probably be the update I purchase next year - if it makes it into the Mac Pro - thanks for the link.
kate middleton wedding dressApple's reliability? Care to elaborate more specifically? Good high quality well designed never dying logic boards that run at 40-ish degrees Celsius for one? :p
Well I have had 5 PC laptops in the past 7 years, through work and personal use. Other than the IBM, I have had various unacceptable problems from frequent crashes to jacked-up touchpads that go where they please. My second hand PB has yet to do anything, not one crash. Also, I have taken apart my laptops (b/c I am a geek like that) and I must say that Apple laptops are a work of pure attention to detail. Finally, just read consumer reports for reliability. Apple smokes everyone. But, I also think that a lot of issues arise in PC's due to people not knowing how to maintain their computers and their computer's software.
kate middleton wedding dressgnasher729
Apr 6, 12:49 PM
Shouldn't the flash HD have a significant role in overheating? I would think with the Flash HD with no moving parts it would be hard to over heat unless you sit there blocking the fan the whole time. :confused:
A hard drive uses less than 2 Watts while reading or writing. Flash uses the same or more when it is used; it only has an advantage when it is not used, where the hard disk drive has to spend energy to keep the drive spinning (less than 1 Watt).
Kate Middleton Wedding DressI don't believe that we have to wait until Spring 2007.:mad:
Oh well. Wait or not, Apple will still be way ahead of Microsoft!
I loved the Vista bashing. Better yet, it came from a French guy!:D
Now that Prince William askedApple better integrate the airdrop functionality into iOS 5 as well.
Kate Middleton#39;s Wedding DressI believe that people with same-sex attractions are endangering themselves at least physically when they have sex with each other. So I'll post a link to some evidence for my opinion (http://www.catholiceducation.org/articles/homosexuality/ho0075.html). Notice, the document's author is a medical doctor.
Why is most straight people assume that gay people do all those? I'm gay and I don't do a thing in that article. I know.. I'm boring but hey that's not the point.
kate middleton wedding dressSkyStudios
Apr 25, 04:41 PM
kate middleton wedding dressApple doesn't need competition the way the PC me-too companies do. Apple has had its eye on the tablet space for over half a decade with no competition to speak of, but they produced a world-class 1.0 version of the iPad anyway. They have a vision of the future and are forging ahead regardless of what the copycats are doing. They are not going to stagnate as long as Steve is around.
Time to drop the tired "I sure like having competition for Apple" cliche. Ths ain't Microsoft were talking about.
Amen. Preach on!
prince william kate kateswingerofbirch
Aug 25, 05:00 PM
It seems like a preponderance of the issues people have are with the notebooks.
Do you think it could be because Apple has the thinnest laptops on the market which means they sacrifice build quality and heat management?
When I looked at the innards of an iBook G3 it was basically "a mess" in there...nothing looked modular like you would see inside the new Mac pro.
kate-middleton-wedding-dressI bought GT PSP and its as if the developers actively tried to suck all the enjoyment out of the series.
GT for the PSP did suck
Just goes to show you how corrupt the music business really is!:mad:
Jun 8, 10:26 PM
GREAT! The more places that carry the iPhone4 during the launch, THE SHORTER THE LINES WILL BE ! :)
(added to the fact that people can now pre-order from the website and have the phone shipped to them)
Apr 25, 03:36 PM
I agree, Apple is pretty ridiculous at times.
That must be who you meant, since you clearly haven't had time to read the lawsuit yet.
Or do you think all lawsuits are 'money grubbers'?
Personally, I think all lawsuits are 'Money Grubbers' and should be barred from filing unless there is evidence of criminal intent against the user. Right now the reports are so vague that I expect by the time this lawsuit hits the court, the judge will simply throw it out as frivolous.
Apr 27, 01:18 PM
obamacare in its smallest form is extreme
No it's not. It's basically what Mitt Romney put in place in Massachusetts. And he's a (gasp!) Republican!
stimulus bill is extreme (and extrememly $$)
No, it's not. This is not the first time it's happened either.
The extreme people he hires, etc.
Such as?
It amazes me that people can get so worked up about a processor that was only officially released three weeks ago.
It never ends either. As soon as Merom chips are in the MacBook range everyone will just move on to the next thing. When are Apple going to put quad cores in their high end products? When are the Macbooks going to be updated with Santa Rosa? When are we going to get nand cache?
I'm even more amazed that some people seem ready to move computer platforms just to get a speed increase a few weeks earlier. By the time you've finished moving everything over to a Windows laptops the new Macbooks will of been available for a few weeks.
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