replicas of telescopes andHellhammer
Apr 6, 12:08 PM
Are you smoking something? Sure the IGP used in SB 13" MBP might get some fudged numbers by those who report for Apple, but you think the ULV SB IGP is going to even compare to the 320m on any level??? Huh? You are far smarter than that.
So what you are saying is, AnandTech manipulated their own benchmarks so Intel HD 3000 would look better than 320M? That's how I interpret your post. If all you want to believe is those Windows scores which are irrelevant when it comes to OS X, be my guest.
I didn't say the ULV IGP will be anything close to 320M, but just because it's 50% worse under Windows doesn't mean that it will be as bad in OS X. I'm pretty sure you even said that the benchmarks under Windows are not relevant when the first preview of SB was published.
McLean VA 22102 Home for Salepeople will buy a xoom just because its not made by apple.
EXACTLY! But it doesn't make the Xoom or the iPad 2 any less of a great product. I advice everyone who gets a chance to use it. Actually use the Xoom and see it's not so bad. I really think many of you guys are just hating on it because it's not an apple product so it obviously can't compare. -_-
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Nov 28, 11:30 PM
That Doug Morris is a slimeball. Who's to say I even own any Universal music. I listen to Indie, primarily. I buy all my music, most of it on CD which I digitize, or via the iTunes Music Store. Who is Universal to demand my dollar? Or three for that matter, one for each iPod I have purchased. There are a lot of labels out there. They can't all get a portion. Apple owes them NOTHING. Did they get music from Sony for the Walkman? How many of us listened to mix tapes from friends on those? I know that most of my tapes were mixes from records and CDs. Universal is off base and greedy. Don't let this happen, Mr. Steve Jobs! You're in the right.
PHOTO: This house uses some ofNew Apple Mac Pro Dual Quad
Dual Intel Xeon 8400 Quardro processors at 3.4Ghz (2 x 4 core)
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If that came out in August I'd wet my pants. It's exactly what I want. I need to get a promachine before I move in August.
Replica of Champlain#39;spuckhead193
Aug 17, 12:27 AM
i went to my local apple store, and holy crap the thing is really fast. I'm tempted to get one, instead of an iMac, the only thing that's holding me back is the size.
replica of the White HouseI wonder just how Apple would react to news that the next processor update is ahead of schedule. Presumably their plans are carefully laid out, and if a PC competitor can jump on Intel updates faster than they can without having to conform to a similar timeline, then Apple might get burned, if only slightly.
Remember Apple will be privvy to a lot more information that we as consumers are. They are probably on a level playing field at least with Intel compared with other PC vendors. They may even have a special relationship with Intel to get stuff slightly before people like Lenovo and Dell.
Apr 11, 02:32 PM
For the past three years, Apple's decisions in the professional market have been a bag of fail.
Anyone else starting to get a sinking feeling?
Mar 31, 02:32 PM
This is a smart move. It had to happen sooner or later.
John Gruber would eat Steve Job's ***** if he could. His opinion is extremely biased.
I don't disagree that it was a smart move, either. It WAS a bait and switch though. Most of us realized that making the OS open would result in a ton of forks with horrible UI and poor casual user experience- look at Linux on the desktop.
I think Google is doing the right thing to give Android a better product. However, that doesn't make it not hypocritical, or the exact opposite of everything they promised their clients (the manufacturers).
Google finally figured out that they need to exert control to keep the OS consistent and the user experience good. Problem is, doing that also means going against everything they spent the last three years preaching against.
Also, it's extremely important to note that the criticisms being leveled against Google is that they're showing favoritism and imposing addition restrictions on competitors such as Facebook, if you read the articles.
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It's not secured. Just purged correctly.
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Jul 14, 07:23 PM
2003: "In 12 months, we'll be at 3GHz".
Mid 2006: "I want to talk about 2.66GHz" although 4 cores running at 2.66GHz (Yum! :D ).
Who cares about GHz? In the benchmarks I'm seeing a 2.66 GHz Core 2 Duo is easily outperforming a 3.8 GHz Pentium 4.
Pike, Mclean, VAWhy on earth would Radio Shack ask anyone
to stand on line tomorrow to get a PIN just
to stand on line again opening day to get a phone
for which you are not guaranteed for?
What kind of crap is that?
The problem is, each store has a different
opinion on the reservation policy.
I think I am going to order directly from Apple.
Problem is, I have a $247 credit from Radio
Shack and I don't even shop at their stores
the situation room white houseBillyShears
Aug 7, 10:03 PM
Perhaps sometime between now and Spring 2007 they might find the time to change that.
Right, but certainly not "all the pictures" show a unified interface, which is what I was replying to. I'd like if it were unified, though.
the situation room white houseNoSmokingBandit
Nov 26, 07:07 PM
You need to level up quite a bit before the damage is fully introduced. Its like a racing RPG, you cant use everything until you level up. Commenting on the damage early in the game is like saying FF7's magic sucked because all you have is the fire materia.
the situation room white houseDigital Skunk
Apr 12, 03:54 PM
Here's what I am hearing:
The truly sad part about this is going to be when Apple doesn't deliver on our rumored promises.
I REALLY HOPE that Apple does what that article says, and does it WELL, with no bugs or issues that render the entire system useless, within a price point that's reasonable ($1500 --> $2500 for what's described).
Otherwise, it's going to make whatever update we do get for FCP moot.
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Apr 5, 08:31 PM
download/streaming version that will be usable for buying up to 4K movies through iTunes.
Everything else you said is all well and good, but why on earth would anyone need to download a 4K movie?
current white house floor planI need one... or is it more of a want? Need.:eek:
Armed forces ae,jan , asjan , oval office White+house+replica+in+california Its found success,not the outside only, collectible election memorabilia alamodebacle? The debacle that's sucking 51% of the profit in the entire smartphone industry? http://tech.fortune.cnn.com/2011/01/31/apple-is-still-sucking-most-of-the-profit-out-of-the-mobile-phone-business/
Market share isn't everything.
Finally someone who gets it ....
Some smart-phone OS providers pay companies to put their OS on the devices (not good for profit) and others gain a big market share without making any money.
But at the end - those are all companies that need to make money. And who wins at the end of the day: Whoever makes most money. Market share might be good for some sort of reputation and bragging rights - but if it doesn't bring any money into the bank it is good for nothing. Those are not charities - those are busnisses that have to face at the end of the day the share holders.
So it also doesn't matter if Xoom sells only 100.000 Units and Apple sells many millions. The Xoom would still be a win if it would bring more money home (but this is where the true fail of the Xoom is)
Towlston Rd., McLean, VA 22102 | HomeFinder.com | ID: FX7569595LightSpeed1
Apr 11, 03:53 PM
I think I'm done with the iPhone 5 rumors. At this point I think I'll just wait till June-July. It's not that far away.
the white house seal. at theIt's easy. The average person isn't watching blu-rays on a 27 inch or less screen. They get them for their big 50-60 inch TVs. And the sales of Macs are rising despite the lack. True professionals do what is needed to get the job done. Including buying a stand alone drive and 3rd party software if the simple menus in DVD Studio Pro are not enough
I disagree. I would argue that the reason people are not watching Blurays on their computers is because they CAN'T watch them on a computer. Blowing up a regular DVD to full screen on an Apple 27 inch cinema display looks horrible, and the alternative is a highly compressed H264 that looks amazing in comparison. I guarantee that if every Mac shipped with a Bluray drive, I'd have more clients requesting Bluray discs. Clients seem to love DVDs because they are dummy proof. Bluray? The smart ones will have to wait to watch it until they get home where they can put it on their PS3 or something. The others will stick it in their MacBook and then send me an E-mail saying that the DVD they received doesn't work.
Apple has to see financial benefits in not including Bluray in their computers. The professionals will add a drive to their MacPros so they can burn them. But consumers? Apple would no doubt take somewhat of a hit in profit for every Bluray drive that goes into a Mac. They'd also rather sell the HD media through the iTunes Store and make a profit there too. I'll admit it, one of the reasons I haven't switched completely over to buying Bluray Discs is because I can't watch them on my Laptop.
This preview of Leopard seemed really like a glaze over of some "fun" little advancements, it did not look polished at all...to all those dissapointed in what leopard has to offer, not to be punny, but steve has barely let the cat out of the bag
tonne more to come
I don't know, I thought Spaces and Time Machine looked very polished, personally. Spaces in particular is one of those things that I actually think will be genuinely useful (like Expose before it), and I like that it seems to be an even more useful implementation of the virtual desktops concept than what I've seen in Linux.
Aug 11, 02:05 PM
The only way this iPhone or whatever it is called will be successful is if they team up with a carrier or carriers and offer promotions on it like all the other cell phone manufactures do. I am not sure about Europe or other parts of the world, but people are used to getting a decent phone for not much money either at their initial contract or every 2 years when the contract is up. Selling an unlocked phone at some outrageous price ($200-300) is not going to cut it when I can go down and get a decent phone for around $50 with rebates from the cell provider and whoever made the phone.
Now I know there are plenty of people who would buy an Apple phone no matter the price, but if you are going to compete with companies like Motorola, Nokia, Samsung, etc. you have to work with carriers and provide great contract prices.
The whole CDMA v. GSM debate is kind of like the PowerPC v. x86 debate.lol Actually from everything I have read CDMA is actually the newer of the 2 technologies and actually has a lot of benefits over GSM. In then end however, both work fine. I think in the US you will find CDMA has a lot better coverage if you look at the coverage maps on the providers websites. With GSM you hit a lot of dead space especially in the rural areas. CDMA pretty much covers the entire US. Now in Europe I know it is different and that GSM is the standard.
Apr 12, 07:41 AM
Again I am amazed at how many people here think a 4" screen is the wave of the future. It is not.
A 4" display is already the standard size.
Just because Apple has not progressed is no indicator of their plans for the upcoming model. To continue to lag behind the rest of the pack with a little display would be sad.
completely blown out of proportion!
The data is sent anonymously and doesn�t give you an accurate pinpoint of where you are if any indication of where you are. It�s not exactly used to come and get you if you have been somewhere you shouldn�t have been :rolleyes: so kick back and relax.
Way too much fuss about nothing personally! :p
Apr 6, 03:32 PM
Congrats, you will be able to play with the handful of apps designed for it.
You're absolutely right. Better than the junk in the app store. At the end of the day there aren't that many QUALITY apps on ipad either. I know because I have one.