Case for iPhone 3G/3GSJust to be clear, this whole idea of collecting on music players is nothing short of outrageous. But it doesn't have the legal implications or weight that have been popularized here. They CAN have their cake and eat it, too, and they know it. That's why it's important for me to ensure that these false notions don't become ingrained as part of the Internet groupthink--when you step back into the real world, you'll be equally screwed, with or without this fee.
I really don't harbor any hope that this could really be considered as royalty payment by the courts, it was just a little fantasy.
The real implication is on the moral front. You mentioned "group think" and I think that is the real danger for the record labels. If enough people were to convince themselves that the record label has grabbed enough money upfront, then they could step across the moral line that keeps them from piracy.
It's not law enforcement, or the actions of RIAA, that prevents the vast majority from crossing the line into piracy, it's their own built-in moral objection to it.
If the record labels remove this moral hurdle through their own actions, then there are not enough police officers, federal agencies, or private enforcement groups to even begin to stem the resulting piracy wave.
Case For iPhone 3G 16GBIpad2 = huge demand, people keep calling, going into best buy daily to check to see if any r in. BB maybe is hoping while your there u will buy some games, blu rays, etc. Then come back when the iPad is in stock, the higher demand, the more likely people will get down and pissed and spend money on other items to take their mind off of waiting for their iPad 2. You create a demand that's already there (key apple stores and website delays) and make the delay longer, customers will keep coming in! Look at the Wii when it first was out and people lined for one! And the whole bb quota I truly believe, the higher ups want to see the daily numbers and if they see an average of let's say they sell 20 a day plus other crap, the higher ups r happy, who knows I could be completely off, but thats just my 2 cents. Either BB has always been shady!
iPod iPhone 3G#39;s controlsampdoria
Jun 14, 01:46 PM
I just visited my local radio shack near my office and spoke with a sales person who seemed pretty well prepared for this, but take it for what it's worth...
Pre-order: In-store at 7am EST. He suggested to pre-order as soon as possible, because by the time it reaches the west coast, they could run out. "They" meaning radio shack, he wasn't speaking for apple or att. And yes, pre-ordering guarantees me an iphone on launch-day.
Launch-day: This store guaranteed me to have them on the 24th. And it will open earlier than usual (between 5am and 6am), depending on how the pre-orders go.
Trade-ins: Any cell phones, active and non-active ones (with chargers) will be accepted on launch-day. I have razrs and blackberries that I will happily trade in for a credit towards new iphones. This is why I'm leaning towards radioshack more so than the others.
Tip: Get to know your salesperson and vice-versa, before the whole madness begins, that way you'll get better service and no surprises.
Cool iPhone 3GS Cases From:mad:Best Buy told me today that they had them in but Apple would not let them sell them. I have been going for two weeks every other day and they finally tell me they have them and can't sell them. I hate this crap. I want my IPad 2.
Apple iPhone 3G White SiliconeAll i want for iphone 5 is dual core and 1GB ram, was hoping that Apple would do a silent update like they did for the macbook series.
I don't see 1 gig of ram coming, but It may well be upgraded. On top of what you said, larger screen, 4G, 8 MP 1080p video and FaceTime hd and that would 100% be a worthy upgrade. Sadly, it won't turn out that way.
iPhone 3G / 3GS White CaseDunepilot
Aug 21, 09:51 AM
- 3D Artists
- Coders
- Graphic Designers
- IT
- Multimedia Artists
- Musicians
- Photographers
- Video Editors
Who can fully utilize 4 cores right now? I'd say possibly 3D Artists, Musicians(quad G5 only), and IT.
There's been controversy on Apple's forums over the last few days about the fact that Apple has optimised Logic for quad-core Intel but has never properly utilised the quad G5. Owners of quad G5s have been up in arms about this, as it is being suggested this is a deliberate crippling to avoid admitting that the quad G5 is potentially faster for musicians (reverbs etc have historically been heavily optimised for velocity engine). Apple has removed the threads on the topic, which either points to a smokescreen, or to the fact that they may have software engineers working on rectifying it.
Whatever the case, this is not the way to please your professional customers.
White Back Housing Case CoverXerox's Star workstation was the first commercial implementation of the graphical user interface. The Star was introduced in 1981 and was the inspiration for the Mac and all the other GUIs that followed.
Thanks for posting that Yamcha. Xerox's engineers were seriously brilliant.
Edit... stripped out the images... no need to show them again. My bad.
Case for iPhone 3G 3GS.Oh yeah, well just wait until people find out iOS is a closed system and the Xoom uses Android which is open....
oh nevermind :D
OtterBox Commuter iPhone 3GSKane.Elson
Jul 27, 10:21 PM
Ahh so many announcments !!! Kill me now !
I'm waiting for the end of august then I'm buying whatever I can get.
1 x Apple iPhone 3GS iPhone 3G1. Notice the power plug hole at the top? Now imagine a cord running out of it. Yup, there is a reason why Apple has put it at the bottom.
2. Top heavy.
There are advantages to having it on top too.
1) Hot air from components in the case rises to the top of the case..
2) Fan in PSU vents it out of system
iPhone 3G 3GS Case - WhiteThis is a little more out there but my friend has a theory that Apple has let Kevin Smith use the new Final Cut to cut and make his new film that is coming it. The importance of this is that he feels movie making is going the way of music making these days. He believes anything under 20 million is going to be funded independently, not released via movie studios and will sell the movies directly to the theaters.
He feels only the big blockbuster movies like Transformers and stuff will be left the studios, much like many musicians are skipping the record companies and making and releasing music themselves.
And as with the iPhone and iPad, if you are hopelessly behind in a traditional market (i.e. Mac OSX vs. Windows) go create a new one (i.e. iOS)! I have no doubt this is where Apple is going...
The silicone layer of the caseten-oak-druid
Apr 7, 11:11 PM
I hate going into best buy. It is staffed by a bunch of people in their teens and tweens. That's fine except they tend to think giving a guess as an answer is acceptable when "I don't know" would be a better answer. I never trust them for advice and search for my answers elsewhere. I remember when I bought my first Directv with DVR unit. I asked about the USB port and whether or not you could connect an external drive. The kid looked at it, saw the usb port, and decided that must be what its for and said yes. I had encountered this before and knew not to trust him. Sure enough that port was for programming the unit only. I didn't care in that case as I didn't really need that feature and knew not to trust him anyway. But I have had other instances. Once I asked about an AV receiver and was mad when I got home to find the feature asked about was not existent.
CompUSA used to have better trained employees but then they laid them off because the company thought they were paid too much. It turned into Best Buy. I sent a letter to CompUSA telling them that laying people off would not fix the problems but only make it worse and that I hoped they went out of business for their decision to turn their backs on good employees. I didn't have to weight long for my wish to come true.
Anyway Best Buy is all there is really except for Fry's but that is not conveniently located. I can see the next electronics chain to launch easily topping Best Buy. If they hire people who actually care to learn about the product that is.
Tags: iPhone 3G Case,kiljoy616
Apr 25, 01:34 PM
Strange Google is not on the lawsuit since they do the same. I guess its Apple turn to deal with privacy.
White iPhone 3G S Overheats,Silentwave
Aug 18, 10:17 AM
I know if it is it will work, what i'm asking is, is it? Or is that not known at this time?
Not known. There might be other concerns apart from the socket compatibility: FSB, firmware, and in particular the heat output.
Apple iPhone 3G Silicone Casedigitalbiker
Aug 25, 10:09 PM
In a world full of computers, I want to be helped by a human with common sense.
I'm with you on this one! The first thing I do when I reach a phone menu system is try to figure out how to circumvent it so that I can get to a real person.
The problem with menu systems is that they only cover the most likely common user problems. I have been around computers long enough that I can fix all the easy issues. The only time I call is when my problem is serious and phone support never has a menu option for that.
Apple iPhone 3G is notSuperCachetes
Mar 23, 04:23 PM
"Is it your position that Libya represents a larger danger to American assets/security than Iraq? If not, is it your suggestion that America should be involved in every humanitarian crisis with brutal dictators worldwide, or at least those comparable to Libya? If so, why aren't we in North Korea? Why aren't we in any number of African nations?
I think this is a fair point, and it really doesn't matter if it's the United States making the calls, or the United Nations. We are essentially playing "God" with the other nations of the world. My complaint on the first page revolved around the lack of a quantifiable threshold for intervention. We inadvertently play favorites, and the world has every right to wonder about the motivation any time the USA takes action against a sovereign state. We should either stay out of ALL interference, or else put on the damn star-spangled cape and superhero tights and get to business already. Wherever evil is, we must go and fight it! :rolleyes:
Why you keep on referring to Iraq when the scale of action in scope of resources and time isn't remotely on the size of the Iraq invasion, is a complete mystery. If you're attempting to make this Obama's 'Iraq' folly, then you will fail. This will be off the front pages of US papers in terms of US engagement within a week or two.
Quite right. So far the whole Libya affair has a lot more in common with Desert Fox (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombing_of_Iraq_(December_1998)) than Iraq...
back of a white iPhone 3G.Scottsdale
Apr 6, 11:59 AM
It would be about as fast. The IGP is 150MHz slower though so graphics wise it would be slightly slower. chrmjenkins explained some smaller details but in terms of performance, i7-2649M should be similar to i5-2520M.
Remember that those are numbers under Windows. Anand mentioned in his 2011 MBP review that Intel HD 3000 has brilliant drivers in OS X, and in general it beat the 320M in OS X too. In Windows it got badly beaten by 320M. Sure the LV and especially ULV IGP will be slower than 320M, even in OS X but the Windows numbers don't correspond to OS X numbers.
Are you smoking something? Sure the IGP used in SB 13" MBP might get some fudged numbers by those who report for Apple, but you think the ULV SB IGP is going to even compare to the 320m on any level??? Huh? You are far smarter than that.
A lot of people using the 13" MBP in comparison when there are almost no similaries.
I don't believe a ULV CPU gets used in the 13" MBA. I don't believe this CPU in the story gets used in the 13" MBA. I don't believe Apple is dumb enough to ruin the MBA brand AGAIN with Intel's IGP at this time. I don't believe that what Apple does in the 13" MBP has any correlation with the MBA because the IGP is different. I believe when Apple and Nvidia said Apple will use the Nvidia chipset and GPU for a long time they were specifically citing the MBA, as it make no sense for the MBA to be so challenged as to get such an inferior design leading to tragic real world results.
In 2012 the MBA will get an update when it actually makes sense. People waiting for a ULV SB chip in the 13" MBA will be waiting a long time. People waiting or expecting SB IGP to even compare in ULV variants will be waiting forever as they cannot match the Nvidia offering with the underclocked IGP.
This story is ridiculous as written.
OtterBox iPhone 3G/3G SActually, they do. They also got paid on every blank tape sold when cassettes were big. I think it is crazy for everyone to think that the music industry is greedy when it getting squeezed out of all of their revenue streams. So, Apple makes hundreds of millions off of their back on the itunes site, and a billion off of iPod sales, and they cannot share in the wealth?
It doesn't cost the consumer any more, why wouldn't you want the people who actually make the music you are listening to get compensated?
This debate is stale. People want something for nothing.
Getting squeezed out of a revenue stream is just part of being in business. Either adapt or go away. Nothing entitles them to a portion of the iPod sales. They make their money off of the sale of the actual music they produce. Should they get a portion of each computer sold as well? After all, the computer is used to both download and play the music. Dumb argument.
white iphone 3gs case. ~Shard~Virtualball
Apr 19, 02:32 PM
It appears from the F700's standpoint though the natural progression became TouchWiz.
Wrong. Just because a company released one phone that has a similar look as the iPhone doesn't mean their current offerings are a progression of that phone. It's a true testament as to who browses this forum if you honestly think that. The F700 didn't run an advanced OS, so it probably ran Symbian or used BREW. That means all Samsung did was create a theme. How does a theme they made 3 years prior to the Galaxy S mean it's a progression on the coding and UI they built? It doesn't. Here's a list of every Samsung phone: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Samsung_mobile_phones Now, pick out one of those and say it inspired all of their new devices 3 years later.
The F700 was an iPhone clone with a keyboard. It's depressing that people are saying that the iPhone copied its own clone.
I wonder what carrier they'll go with?
I think the question is more likely to be this...
What providers will meet Steve's qualifications to offer the Apple phone bundled with their service?
One of the primary factors may very well be that the provider is not allowed to cripple the phone (as some love to do).
If there is enough demand for the phone, network providers will have to meet his terms.
Apr 25, 03:00 PM
ya.. not like it's on right on the "features" page of iphone's website, ( http://www.apple.com/iphone/features/ .) It isn't like they have a whole page about it, ( http://www.apple.com/iphone/features/maps-compass.html .)
Who would think the an electronic device such as an iPhone would know your exactly location? And why would any cache information locally when the same exactly information can be gotten over a slow, inconsistent connection?
Location services is not the same as storing every place you've ever been.
Why does the db never get cleared?
If location info is required for an app, why would I want to use info from possibly over a year ago that may no longer be accurate?
I won't put on a tinfoil hat just yet. For now I'll just chalk this issue up to sloppy programming. ;)
Same on the iPhone... this is not what we're talking about here. Application tracking has always been opt in or out.
This is just a database of cell tower pings. That's all. it's shared with NO ONE and goes nowhere except on your phone. It's like your web browser cache.
Apple still fails to answer the question of "why?"
Why do they need it if it is not used?
I know why a web browser has a cache. At least the web browser is smart enough to clean that up after a while.
Apr 5, 07:16 PM
I've posted several predictions over the past few months throughout this tread at Cinema5D:
Apr 25, 03:51 PM
Ladies Ladies... they are storing information that should be private(yes, indeed), but let's not blow this out of proportion.
The OS or iOS collects & stores this information like many platforms for specific reasons... Android, does indeed do the very same type of stored information of the 3 cell-tower's estimation of location.
The really REALLY bad news is that this information is stored in your iPhone as well as the actual device(Mac or PC) you sync your iPhone/iPad with. The information get's logged correctly... but what is not correct is how it is securely(insecurely) being stored - we are talking about Privacy.
The file should be stored(for technical specific reasons), but not with this lack of diligence on user privacy...
APPLE, you need a way to log this info in a much more secure atmosphere if the iOS does truly need this information for specific OS reasons.
Now this sounds exciting!