ccc52-30---Wood-Duck-at-RestNo pink on the 23" I've been using for two months now.
Some residual ghosting with high contrast images that don't move, and a 2 inch band of slight discolouration down the left side. I do design and colour matters but for proofing I deal with a broadcast monitor for video or the printery for paper based.
I bought Applecare with my G5 and screen. Figure I'll test for six months and then return it if the problem becomes an obstacle to work.
Wood Duck Photo - Photograph -PCMacUser
Feb 23, 03:41 PM
I use the MX1000 and it's a great mouse. I also use a Logitech Mouseman Dual Optical (has 2 optical sensors), which is much better for quick response use (ie games), but for general desktop use I prefer the MX1000.
Wood DuckConsultant
May 4, 04:43 PM
Sorry to hear about the problem.
Might want to try Apple Store next time.
If you want a discount on a Mac, go for the refurb at store.apple.com
Refurb Apple products look like new, and has same warranty as new Apple products.
Australian Wood Duck on grasscan you borrow a keyboard from your neighbor?
Wood Duck - $50.00 a pairPlaceofDis
Dec 19, 08:14 AM
tis a little ceepy, but inventive nonetheless.
Drake wood duck flyingI did just that, threw my unused iPhone 4 sim in my new iPad 2 and got a nasty message this morning from AT&T basically telling me that I had 30 days to get a proper plan on it or I would be cut off.
I called AT&T and had them switch my iPhone 4 plan to the iPad post pay plan and it's all good!
I was actually surprised that they did it, but ask for a supervisor. The front line reps are not trained well on the new post pay plans.
If you just want to do it occasionally, you probably should be fine but just be aware that they can almost immediately tell if you switch em.
Wood DuckI have seen it mentioned by other folders, but I have no idea where to begin. I imagine it's similar to building a home server, but I have never done that before either.
I'm asking because I have some old 'puter parts lying around doing nothing useful at the moment, that I thought I could build into something that would sit in a quiet corner of the house and fold.
Any suggestions? :confused:
Wood Duck.it could be that I am in a no service area for most of the day and the phone keeps trying to get the service so maybe I just need to switch it into airplane mode whenever I have no service.
That's exactly why.
Do you have WiFi in that area? If you are connected to WiFi when in a fringe area, it will help.
Wood DuckScoobyMcDoo
Apr 28, 08:31 AM
I have found SL to be very stable.
I am curious as to how you define "crash". As a software developer, I have always considered a crash to be a segfault in which some bug causes the program to unexpectedly exit. However I have found that, via feedback from my users, that folks have many different perceptions as to what a crash is.
As for the software you mentioned having issues with - I don't use steam (not a gamer), I use itunes somewhat regularly to play some music while I work, or to update my phone's software, don't have any crash issues. I use iWork from time-to-time - don't recall it ever crashing. The most unstable software I use is MS Office.
Wood Duck. Aix sponsaThat is slightly annoying.
Winter Wood DuckHas anyone had luck with Chrome in 10.7? When I try to Quit it won't. I have to Force Quit in Activity Monitor, and Chromuim nightly's won't even launch.
When i try to download a file in Safari I get the Download window and a message that the file can't be downloaded. I click on re-try and then a 2nd item is added to the download list for the file and it downloads while the 1st file seems to still be retrying.
I'd post a screen shot of this but when I try I just get a full black screen like this:
pregnancy wood duckbripab007
Mar 14, 10:12 AM
If you've never used Cydia or TinyUmbrella to cache her iPad's SHSH files, having the 4.2.1 firmware on-hand will do you no good, as (I believe?) Apple has already stopped signing the 4.2.1 firmware.
If that's the case, you can only restore to 4.3.
Wood duckKing Cobra
Sep 8, 06:48 PM
Apple made it clear last year in August that they were not going to have any new hardware at the Paris Expo (2001). They most likely will do the same again this year.
BTW, when is the expo? Seriously...
If there isn't going to be new hardware, then, ladies and gentlemen, let's take a look at the software department. There is the possibility of iCal and iSync to follow up to iPod OS 1.2 and Jaguar, along with the possibility of an iMovie/FCP update. I would pay close attention to a possible iPhoto 2 at Paris, though, as I think it will provide the option to load specific pics, instead of just dumping everything on your camera onto your computer.
Wood Ducksteeveage
Feb 16, 07:57 PM
Congrats on the purchase. I'm a PC->Mac convert/PB 17 inch owner myself. You mentioned you were looking for a carrying case for your 17"er, I highly recommend the Booq Powersleeve 17. May not be ideal for traveling long distance, but for day-to-day use it's simple, svelte, provides good protection, and has adequate space for a fair number of accessories. It even has a pouch in the back for putting papers that you may need. And it looks way cooler than a backpack...
male Wood Duck - pairrobbieduncan
Mar 24, 09:53 AM
focus on the eyes or some part of the face and then reposition. sometimes it comes out the way i want
I would suggest this could be the problem: when you reposition you are probably altering the distance between the lens and the subject somewhat.
Wood DuckLets hope it looks like this or better.
Did you guys get the reference in the headline or is it too subtle?
I got it, right when I first read it, I was too busy staring at the iPod though :D
WOOD DUCKSame problem..
How do you solve??
My ipad ( treated jailbreak) is not recognized on PC and is stuck in boot loop.
even in DFU or recovery mode is not recognized by PC.
I've tried everything ... It simply is not recognized in any way ...
Wood Duck Aix sponsadotcomlarry
Oct 19, 06:57 PM
Would love for them to open a store near Lancaster or Harrisburg, but until then KOP is the closest. Dunno if I'm in the mood to pay tolls to get there, though. Having never been to a launch event, is it really worth it if I'm not going to buy it?
Wood Duck Drake - Photo byI would recommend the Nikon 18-200mm VR. It has a great range and can do the work of two or three lenes. Its a little pricey but you may be able to find a good used deal somewhere.
Target on lawndale got 5...all 3G 32 GB models. I actually ended up at the apple store around 3:30...I at the front door by 5:30. The line was pretty short when I got there, but by 5 it was wrapped all thecwayvaround and behind the building.
I guess I got lucky...I hope you did!
OJuice (http://www.ojuice.net/) is the authority on all things demo. Check out Nectarine (http://www.scenemusic.net/) for streaming scenemusic from the old legends and the new!
I am really looking forward to Renoise 1.5 final. I hope it takes them less time to release than between the last two releases. Looks really spiffy, though! Now if only it supported Audio Units...
With global warming, its sure to get worse next year!!!!!!!!!!!
What a load of BS.
Someone is living in a crevice for the past decade. :rolleyes:
It's been a while, but i was the kid who was number 3 in line at KOP. Guy who just switched jobs, guy with pony tail and 3 year old son, and older couple, if you guys post on MR, please reply!
I just installed a brand new hard drive into my 2009 mini and I am trying to install Snow Leopard. I don't want any of the files from the old HD. The install of the hd into the mini went fine (or so it appears) but when I try to install SL on the new hard drive it gets stuck at the window which asks which drive I want to install to. I never get an option for a drive so something is wrong. Any ideas?